What is the Light and is Light actually evil in WoW?
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So there has been quite a change with the lore of the Light at least in our perception. At the beginning of wow lore the Light was believed to be this pure and benevolent force but with WoW Legion and the development with the Army of the Light, Xe’ra and alternate Draenor there has been a shift in opinion.
Also with Alleria and recent void lore, we’ve also learned that the Void is not exactly strictly evil. So in this video I discuss what the Light is, the lore of the light and is the light evil? Talking about the priests and the paladins, the various races, Xe’ra, the Naaru, Illidan and the mag’har questline on alternate Draenor with Yrel.
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it's the naru purpose to bring justice and it's (values?) to bring balance , what we find evil could mean something else to these beings , remember they were the first few entities since the beginning of time , they view balance and justice different then us
One of the quotes that stuck with me from shadow lands was Margrave Sin'dane: "Necromancy is the art of animating unliving flesh. Here in Maldraxxus, we use the magic of Death to accomplish our craft. But whether these rituals are empowered by Death or Light or any other magic, necromancy is necromancy." That and Zovall's "a cosmos divided will not survive" along with how the Naaru Z'rali essentially had to become an outcast from it's own people because it was "tainted" in my view make the light one side of the same coin along with the void.
The humans made the Light a religion… Draenei made it a partner
Imo it's like with deities of Death – not everyone is evil and corrupted, only Jailer and Denathrius are, other deities of Death are more on the good spectrum, it's possibly the same with deities of Light aka Light Gods/Light Lords – there probably is one that got too radical and Xe'ra probably was on this one's team, but most are probably rather good.
Edit: Forgot to mention that it's implied that not all beings of the Light use the same methods – while Xe'ra was radical and desperate to infuse Illidan with Light, A'dal outright stated that creatures of VOID of all things are NECESSARY for balance, so he seems less radical and more about upholding balance.
I just believe in the general idea of good and evil, Light Good, Darkness Evil. Then you have the equal trade off, not all of those in the Light are good, and not all of those of the void are bad.
But the forces them selves I believe have their stance of what is and isn't. I believe from the Light, is Life, and Order, they are the Prime of Positive. And from the Darkness, is Death, and Chaos, the Prime of Negative. Yes I like to call disorder chaos instead.
To me light is so convinced its the good guy that it wouldn't give you a choice or fair trial.. But thats the vibe I get from it at least. Its not evil but is not aware it can do evil
The light is obviously evil, they're forcing people to worship them turning them away from the glory of the emperor of mankind.
The emperor protects
Did.. You just Big Bang theory this?
The Light brings hope, joy, inner strength, and is all-around helpful.
It can be twisted to evil uses, but it’s very hard to really do. Arthas lost the Light when he did the purge iirc, and the scarlet crusaders had their minds twisted by malevolent forces.
These arguments are on shaky ground.
If you wanted to make something of a real argument, you could say the Light may forcefully implants positive emotions into others, but eeeh. Even then, with how it works, it just gives them the will to do whatever they want to do. It’s the ultimate medicine. One could say a balance priest (rare as they are) could heal someone with the Light, then twist someone’s mind with the void to do what the priest want them to do but even then the nature of being a balance priest makes that difficult, too.
So I ask you: how can something that makes it so hard to do lasting harm unjustly with be truly evil or bad?
I wouldn't say light and void are good and evil but more like….lawful and chaotic
Light is fanatic
Evil, No! Conflicts of interest depending on perspectives, absolutely !
Arch bishop bennedictus said
"There is no good, no evil, no light"
What if what made him convert to shadow was that he discovered the light was a lie, and was the wow universe's version of hastur, the king in yellow? Have you seen the yellow sign?
Very informative video,but about the mag'har being transported to Azeroth being the ast survivors I am not certain,because in their recruitment scenario someone says that Draka is still alive and she is commanding a garrison in Nagrand
Disproving that both the Light is not evil, and also that it's not connected to the void: the very opening line of the lore says first, there was Light; not Light and Shadow, just Light… meaning that one CAN exist without the other.
Secondly, the Light is at least semi sentient in that it answers prayers and can sense feelings and thoughts; and using it's power is dependant on one's faith and will. Arthas as he descended down the dark path slowly began to loose his Light, but the Scarlet Crusade were deceived by a demon and therefore became blind to reason to maintain their idea that they were fighting the good fight. As for the Light Bound and the Naaru, it doesn't make any canonical sense because mortals are fallible and can either be mislead or misinterpret a message into something it isn't; but the Naaru are beings of the Light. So either the Naaru are mortal in the physical universe, or their message is being misinterpreted by the Light Bound.
What you need to do is look at the actions of the majority of users for either the Light or the Void, and you will clearly see that one is good and the other is evil. Not subjective at all, but quite logically cut and dry as is. Doesn't mean individuals within a certain sphere can't deviate, like a bad light user or a good void user; but those are the exceptions, not the rule.
Dorone brate kaces napraviti Brewfest lore video? Vreme je a ne'am pojma o cemu se radi. x'D
Can you do a Tauren sunwalker lore video?
BLASPHEMY!!!!!! I follow the light as a paladin and I have done nothing but help the innocent and smite the wicked!!!!!!
87k subs and only works on videos when gets sponsored…that's definitely the reason your not growing growing you would be putting work in your channel constantly even without sponsors
Cult of the damned after wotlk
Спасибо за видео, очень интересно!)
I prefer more the Grey side of reality. And with this, the Light and the Void, are no black or white. Just this forces are beyond our Knowledge. I Respect you very much Doron!
That's what they mean by 'In the light, we are all one'
Nice video, but I do not approve of the G2A sponsorship. Terrible company with terrible practices
Well this ended up being 50 shades of grey…
Since i first started to understand deeper ways of thinking, i've been more and more suspicious of referring to things and people with the highly biased principles of Good and Evil. From what i can see, the primordial forces in the Warcraft universe are more akin to The Will to Take (Void) and The Will to Give (Light), both essential to a healthy and balanced existence.
Also, the point that their clash is what spawned the Physical Universe (Great Dark Beyond and Twisting Nether) basically says it. All Mortals and Demons are partly of Light and Void, meaning that if any of these forces were to dominate, it would cause the destruction of said Physical Beings. (Pretty much the same concept like in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls.)
The more accurate answer here, in my opinion, would be: No, the Light is not evil, but neither is the Void. They are both Extreme Forces that cannot leave space for moderation in their purest state, which is why both have a "Dark Side" yet, they can both be used in a positive way.
I think the real evil is the writers at blizzard
It's like Galactus. Just a force, not evil, not good just does what it does. If we consider it evil it becuase of what we believe ourselves
"The light" is evil…
mmm. Let's change the name of the game to World of Relativism
Actually arthas lost his connection to the light during stratholme we have seen in the lore that it is up to the wielder but the light can disconnect itself from its users and its connection can stricken from someone. I believe tirion lost his connection to the light when uther banished him. But I generally agree.
Yes it is evil…
Wakes me up when I am sleeping.
Not having a right or wrong is called moral relativism. Making the light amoral would defeat the whole purpose.
I wouldnt say its evil.
But those that go to the extreme with it are. Xera, went to the extreme.
Depending on the wielder, the Light can be all the shades of benevolence, right up to being outright, in your face, "my way or the highway" fanatical. Look at what happened to the orcs on the alternate Draenor–it was convert or die, and the ones that could got the hell out of there. Frankly, I was disappointed to learn that the draenei went that path, seeing as how it's not really much different from what the Burning Crusade was doing, and they've had 25,000 years or so to learn what not to do because it's bad. Geez. And the thing with Illidan and the Naaru that shall not be named–yeah, not cool. I knew he was never going to go for that, since he's been struggling with his supposed fate and destiny his entire life. That Naaru kinda got what it deserved, unfortunately, and it should have known better too. Everyone else that was present should have been protesting it too because forcing someone to be something they don't want to be isn't actually a benevolent thing to be doing. So shame on all of them.
The Light may not be evil, but it's a power you've gotta be careful with or you'll get burned. Can't let it go to your head and all that jazz.
The void is evil 100%. it literally seeks to consume existence. wouldn't exactly call that anything other than evil
All Heil The Void!;
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." – John Dalberg-Acton
It's not that the light in and of itself is good or evil: it's that extraordinarily powerful beings often become tyrannical. There are good Kings and there are bad Kings, to say that it is evil to be a King ignores the reality that many Kings in history were just and fair and treated their subjects very well, seeing service to their own people as being their greatest calling. To say that being a King is an inherently noble endeavor, occupation or endowment would ignore the reality that many Kings have been tyrannical despots who brutalized their own subjects because they saw those under their command as resources to be exploited for personal gain. So Kings are neither inherently good nor inherent bad – but rather – it is the individual King who is good or bad based on their behavior.
Judging individual people by their behavior seems to be a forgone lost concept in today's modern age of nihilism, victim-hood culture, moral relativism and rewarded irresponsibility.
Ehh to me they ain't evil nor good-Evil and good are mortal concepts in it's essence I see light as just how we would see gravity irl. Gravity is a force, you can harness it to create electricty and many other good things! Well "good" but at the same time it can bring an end to the universe, it can cause for blackholes to form and big crunch and so on.
Idea of having to say or create a theory like light is evil to me sounds off…Biggest evidence to this is as Alleria mastered the void she could tell the difference between void's visions and desires of it's dark masters aka void lords. Void lords may be evil, naari may be tyranical but that doesn't mean magic itself has an aligment. Although there are more "evil" void users than "evil" light users that is mostly because magic's side effects, it is simply a tool. It is like saying irl is uranium evil? In lore fel is said to work like radiation, tainting things that are near it..one might call fel itself evil…but is uranium evil? It can be used to generate energy..fel can be used to combat demons, old god spawns and some druids in lore (although a lil fishy) even used it to improve their tie to the wilds.
I think the naaru have good intentions but that can lead to self-righteousness which can be very dangerous.
Story tellers these days are obsessed with every higher dimensional force or entity(s) being out to get us. Because all of us hated how the majority the original all powerful, all seeing, towering beings that ruled over our lives were nearly always right and the stuff they made us do or did to us really were for our own good … So we play out our power fantasy against our parents by having THESE cosmic parental figures turn out to be just chains holding us down keeping us from TRUE greatness!
To be honest, I hate all this "hur durr the Light is evil!" crap Blizzard is pushing.
The Light was always a force for good; from th early strategy games, all the way until Argus.
Sure, there were those who used the Light for evil means, but the Light itself (and the Naaru) were good – or at least not evil.
Now they're just ruining it for the sake of edgy "plot twists" and unnecessary shades of grey.
Evil? No. The light is uptight. Anything that strays from perfect order must either conform or be cleansed into oblivion as to its perfect design of a harmonious universe.
Just like how the void consumes everything and prefers things to be disorderly and chaotic, with no reason or rhyme to order or sanity.
I wouldn’t say evil. More of their methods are cold and uncaring about the life it deals with. They believe your will and humanity isn’t as important as their plans, and fight against the void. They fight for the right reasons. But go about it all the wrong ways
Plot twist: void and light are kind of the same entity, so in the end they don't want to defeat each other because they are two parts of the same thing. It's in they nature to fight but they don't wanna destroy each other, so we were used all the time, nothing matters in the big conflict even the titans are pawns. Hahahaha
Love your videos man, cheers from BraSZil