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For more details on the new bots coming soon click here:
We’re pleased to announce that the latest update to our Co-op vs. AI game mode will be arriving soon, featuring an onslaught of brand new bots. We’ll be expanding our roster of AI opponents to 40 total bots, providing a much larger variety of enemy team compositions. That means new tanks, new mages, new carries and new support champions to battle when you take to the Field of Justice alongside your friends in the Co-op vs. AI game mode!
Wow, that was really 2012 O.o
A shame that this was the last time they cared about the Bots.
I miss when the bots could teleport and were way stronger.
After the 2014 update (making more human bots) they got considerable easier…
A shame they never risen to their full potential.
This was the golden age of bots, now intermediate bots cant even win against bronze players, its a shame. These bots were so fun to play against!
can we get more ip for these bots now? xD
they should add harder AI like in DoTA 2, easy, medium, hard, UNFAIR. i want to play against an unfair bot.
i wanna play top nexus in bots
i think on intermediate
The totally noob u do realize what their
Name is right I'll give u a hint bot haha nah fucking shit they got bot tools idiot Im not Gonna just fight a bot that shoots attacks opposite to where I am or purposely misses
Me ask serious questions next time okay!
Obj and guys u gota fix ya match making queue in ranked games me and my cuz always get shut teams even check the profiles my cousin is called m8 I cant w8
And every Bot haves fucking Aimbots. >.>
There should be a harder mode. :l
Tons of Damage :>
It could be the bad luck that follows me everywhere, but whenever I play a custom game for that extra IP for a new champ or to practice, the bots on my team are always SO much worse than the others. I have seen a Sona get away from a duel with 10 health, while my Tristana was full. That same Tristana was killed by a Sona who simply followed in for the kill.
This is a lie
there was a glitch i think on annie bot where she will DIVE your turret when your low hp but its fixed now
bots doesn't do tons of damage
No he was spectating
I remember a glitch way back in s2 when we had a AD annie who was whooping our ass
this is great love the idea of the bots "thinking" more i was getting bored because it was way to easy to play against bots. so ty for that ans keep it up!
4:14 dat face
0:14 phreak has downs..
Fiddle sticks is too over powered
We need some advanced bots.