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Varus Gameplay Against Bots – New Champion – League of Legends

Check out Varus, the new champion! His Q is an arrow that he holds, does more damage the longer you hold it. Scales on AD. His W adds Blight damage to his other abilities, scales on AP. His E is a hail of arrows that blights the ground, slowing enemies by 20% and reducing healing effects by 50%! His R (ultimate) roots an enemy champion and does damage, and upon expiring moves to another champion, rooting it, if there is one nearby. He’s fun. Normal phantom dancer / bloodthirster / infinity edge build seems far and away the best build for him.

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  1. I especially like the part where you put Athene in the group of "pro's", and not just people who got e-famous on youtube for taking on a role that people liked to hate.. 😀

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