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Earthen Available, What To Do Each Day/Week! This Week in Warcraft

After the different changes and clarifications we have a better look at what there is to do each day and week in Khaz Algar! A new Trading Post month is upon us, the Darkmoon Faire returns with its usual bonus and Earthen should be unlockable this week!

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Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

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  1. Correction, another special assignment is likely to appear on a Friday. Also should reemphasize that it should be impossible to find yourself in a "stuck" state where you aren't able to complete the weekly worlds worldsoul quest.

  2. How do you do the Twitch thing for the mount? I have a Twitch account, but how do you do it? How does Warcraft know I am watching the stream? My email for my game and Twitch are different emails.

  3. Players: We want Naga, Nerubian or Ogers. It would be so cool!
    Blizzard: You know what – we made complex decisions with models, so most of transmog will not available, but here you "Drachnyr" Ta da!
    Players: Right…. We will repeat ourselves again (repeat first point)
    Blizzard: Say, no more, I know what you want. Here you are big rock dwarves reskin! No need to say thanks 👍

  4. So the Earthen only unlocks on september 4 not 3 in Europe, as allways, Blizzard lied. Why am i not suprised. I so wanted to get one. Guess what, i am not interested in that race anymore.

  5. yay! Earthen time! got most of the Main Campaign done and i've gotten all the Dornalgar Sidequests done, that's like 50% of the Side Quests when you look at it from the world map as the other zones arent as large.

  6. Hi Souls, do you know if the new warband completed system means our alts can see all world quests, or are there still wq's hidden by character questline like the DF system (the ohn'ara fighting ring for example)

  7. The Snuffling objective is easy. For the soul balls, fly down to Hallowfall and fly around the churches. There's several just above the Priory. For the snuffling itself, go to the Isle of Dorn. You can easily see them and they often group up. One of the easiest objectives to complete once you know where to go.

  8. I hope they will keep working on delves. I don't feel like they are content that will stay fun to do just by making the numbers go up on higher difficulty levels. I mean, even bfa horrific visions were a far superior solo experience in terms of variety and those literally only had two maps. I can barely distinguish the delves. You've got basically only four of five themes. Underwater shit, fungus shit, kobold shit, nerubian shit and night cultist arathi shit. The "puzzles" seem like afterthoughts in that their reward, some buff when you're almost done with the delves already anyway, isn't worth it even if you solve the puzzle in 2 seconds. This "endgame pillar" isn't keeping anyone subbed that would otherwise have not been, I don't think, as it currently exists

  9. how important is it to finish those weekly quests in like first 2 weeks? ik its important when season starts but like i wanna lvl up alts and get transmog.. not do boring wqusts

  10. With delves and the Dark Moon Faire up its worth mentioning that you could use your keys on the treasure chests at the end of a delve with the rep buff up on an alt (ON AN ALT) to get rep which applies to your warband. Of course you have to complete the delve without dying to keep the DMF buff up. Delve location determines reputation gained.

  11. Remember that all things are available as catch up! Meaning if you miss week 1 on week 2 you can get your week 1 stuff on week 2 as well as your week 2 stuff as well! 😂 AKA the most effective way to gear / farm is not to play

  12. I just don't understand why they needed to make ANOTHER Dwarf race. I'd rather see something like Gnolls, Kobolds, or the Ruby Warden style of dragons added. But noo, gotta add.. A third dwarf option..?! Why?

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