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The War Within Season 1 Overview: Everything You Need to Know!

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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:27 Important Season 1 Dates
02:47 Seasonal Dungeons
03:55 Mythic+ Changes & Rewards
06:37 Nerub’ar Palace Raid
08:38 Delves
10:55 PVP
11:38 Final Thoughts & Outro

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  1. Its just the same game in a different coat. Its no different has exactly the same systems with a different name. Quests are way to long and very annoying. This is a game for you tubers who need garbage to do all day and tell you on videos how wonderful it all is. TIME GATING IS ALIVE AND WELL. Have 4 level 80s and I can not face gearing the 3 Alts; just such a grind for currencies as normal.

  2. they should open mythic 0 dungeon this week already, and next week start with mythic + in the heroic dungeons the bosses dying so fast i dont know what abbilities they doing since i played them a lot

  3. It's such a poor decision to have m+ on the 17th September imo. Those players that are waiting for that have been milked one month sub for them to delay it. The mind set of "slow down" and gatekeeping how players should play the game is toxic. Let people play the game how they wish. If they have issues with having to wait this long, then why is their opinion "wrong" in different players playstyles? Imagine it the other way, imagine solo content was timegated this long? Imagine you couldn't do loremaster? Players have a right to express their views, there is no wrong opinion, stop bashing those that have a different opinion/playstyle.

  4. I sincerely wish there was some really insane rare chase gear instead of cosmetics. I don't care personally if I'm riding a flying turd versus some shiny mount. I really would like a .00001% chance at some rare item that will remain rare into the future

  5. I dont understand why they dont use half of the new dungeons and make us play in older ones,we already know that dungeons,tbh I have zero interest in SL dungeons and the only thing that makes Grim Batol interesting is see how they rework it

  6. The time gating made me actually grind renown and max my professions for the first time…. I also did every single quest line that’s available in the new areas… but I’ve actually been having a good time?? Weird

  7. Not in a rush to do anything. Personally I hate the cyclical nature of seasons. Would much rather prefer having to raid preceding raids to be able to do higher ilvl ones instead of being gifted catch-up gear

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