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Taric’s Rework: A Successful Failure? | League of Legends

Taric was the only member of the Paladin archetype in League of Legends. Sadly, like many others, he was failing to withstand the test of time and an update was in order. But was it good or bad for him? Today we’ll find out in Taric’s Rework: A Retrospective.

League of Legends Rework Retrospective Playlist:

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#LoL #Taric #Rework

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  1. 6:306:36
    Akshan Revive, Viego getting resets, Current Taric R, and Soraka R !!!

    GA in stats is 2,700 Gold for 1 REZ every 5min that is worth.
    My napkin math says that's 1,300 Gold just to Rez 1 person 1 time every 5min.
    If GA had normal CD (90sec) that is 4,000~Goild value for 3 revives.
    Akshan can get 4,000 Gold worth of Game Play every team fight as can current Taric provided he uses ult.
    Also Viego gets 2-5 items every kill, HP, Cooldowns uptime.
    Plus you must cut the 6,000 gold value in half for a level 16 taric R, since 80+% f champons are unable to meaningfully use both AD and AP ratios, so in the real world he is providing 3000 gold in stats with a Ult.
    Soraka R Gives 700 HP heal level 16 per champion. That is a Gold Value of 1,800 x 5 (she Heals herself too).
    So Apples to Apples. Maximum Value vs Maximum Value
    2015 Taric R with 4 teammates, who use AD and AP Ratios perfectly get 6,000~Gold (your math) of Stats
    Current Soraka R with 4 teammates and herself able to receive a full 700HP Heal is 9,000~ Gold in stats. THIS DOESNT EVEN COUNT SORAKA ULT LINE OF TEXT SAYING INCREASEE THIS BY 50% ON TARRGETS BELOW 40% of their max HP.

    That puts Raka R value at: 13,500~Gold Value and Old Taric R at 6,000 (which isn't real because it is only lasting for 10sec)
    Also Damage Dealt can just be looked as as negative HP, Giving Damage done the same value as HP has.
    So Karthus Ult Dealing 1,400 Damage Late game has a (Gold Value) 18,000 GOLD!!
    Bad Argument Mr. "Vars"

    The point I hear is:
    "Taric from Season 5 is an entirely unique Champion, offering Stats to his team when he ults, unlike any other champion in League of Legends"

  2. You know what's funny, I randomly decided to come back to the game back in 2019 and was kinda cbf learning jungle/top/mid or let alone fucking adc (still my least liked role by a mile), and just kinda went "fill" and became a Taric one trick basically going from silver to plat in under 100 games having a pretty good time no matter the matchup. The champ was never picked nor banned, and it was in a pretty fucked up state back then too, they nerfed some of his necessary runes as well as the mythic season had no great items for him so he was pretty much bottom of the barrel. Nowadays I play entirely different support champs (Senna, Pyke, Swain, etc, much more fun imo) but honestly, gave him a few spins and he seems in a much better place, plus Fimbulwinter, and various other changes makes him less left out like he was back when the Mythic items were still just introduced.

  3. I personal view taric as a anti dive suppport like when someone play nautilus with a agressive adc and i have a scaling adc like kogma or so he is fine but their are so many others you could play in his place how works better because they are easier too fullfill teir role, like renata or jana. More support vidz plz.

  4. The problem with (new) Taric has always been Bastion. Even Yuumi, the champion who literally sits on other champions all game, spends less time tethered to other champions. Taric's kit is designed around duct taping himself to another champion instead of supporting his whole team, which is why he's a bad support but amazing for funnel strats. Bastion should either have a 0 second cooldown (like Yuumi) or preferably Taric's abilities should be reworked to be more generally applicable and Bastion should be changed into either an engage ability or a full enchanter ability, so he could either be a less mobile Rakan with more support and a decent CC, or become Leona with healing.

  5. 3 things, because Taric is clearly a strong champion.
    1.) Taric is so slow and immobile he has almost no autonomy he can't harass much, roam or push the game state outside of a fight.
    2.) His best lane partners are also unpopular as f and volatile in solo queue.. (Draven, Kalista, Nilah etc)
    3.) He's very lackluster both with and against the more popular casty / high range ADC's (Caitlyn, Jihn, Kaisa, Ezreal)
    4.) His Kit is self countering. His Q requires stumpy auto attack range yet they expect you to be near allies, meanwhile is E encourages you to separate, his R has wayyy to long of a cooldown which leaves his W as the only consistent pressure.

    Really he would have some autonomy if they would just give him some mobility or perhaps a speed boost if he lands E or Shields with W. Or perhaps a slow with passive. He just has too many traits that are nearly irrelevant without mobility. I would even say they can turn E into a harsh slow that grants mobility to him and an imbued ally and it'd make him more relevant.

  6. For me personally, I stopped playing him because his mana cost is so huge u first have to buy mana items before you can go tanky, there were a couple of mana items but they didnt go well with tarics kit or just as first item in botlane. To be frank, u need to buy unfinished items in order to not run out of mana, to start building tanky items later than enemy tank supp. It means you are less reliable. Or at least the time I used to play lol

  7. its fine because i dont feel like every character need to be both, fun, used by noobs, used by mids, and used by pros.
    As i see it its a fun hampion to find wierd strats with. but as long as they are not broken the large majority of the people will not play him. because they would be too specific and or unatural that you would need to make at least 2 other people to play league in a totaly different way. (like changing lanes roles or something). or you would need to find THAT game out of 10 that let you do the funny combo effectively.

  8. As a taric main since i started playing back when spirit guard was the log in, I really miss his old look and feel. The main reason why I played him was cause he was the paladin/ battle cleric I wanted, but then his rework came out and they took all the armor away and forced him to pretty much build one way in one role. It really cracks that ol ruby heart of mine.

  9. Taric is almost always a sleeper strong support. He does what he does and he does it goddamn well regardless of enemy team comp, even if you get rolled in lane you can still be effective if one lane on your team won

  10. The thing with pre rework taric was that he had a point and click stun, so even if a Yi or whatever got super fed, you could always stop him.

    After he lost that I tried to play him, but it just wasn't the same.

  11. All of old Taric's abilities did damage somewhat except his Q, the rework reversed that and now only his E can be used for direct combat and that is what killed him for me. I loved the old Taric because he was like a hybrid between melee fighter, support and caster and nowadays his kit devolved to spamming Q and auto attacks which completely changed the flow of his gameplay.

  12. He could use a Neeko-scale minirework. His heal feels so bad if you can't whack things. CD is too long and heal is too small. I think R takes too much power budget because of elite players who can coordinate better, and he is not "bad", just doesn't feel great.

  13. As a Master Rank Taric Support main, I honestly love where he is at. You just need to learn how he's budgeted early with mana vs enchanted trying to poke, his timing, and the micro spacing at the tip of his E. You can actually punish harder for the enemy walking up to farm than other enchanted. The problem is how committal it is, and most players don't like that risky proposition. Supports with a grab don't count cuz they can do it at a further distance than Taric E and won't get chunked for missing as much.

    People prefer playing champs with safety, but because of that, they miss out on learning just how powerful Taric can be. You give an ally a Chain Vests (depending on how much Armor stats you have and W upgrades) worth of Armor + Locket and it's passive Armor and Resistance. You will most certainly get your R down if you aren't asleep during lv 6-9.

    The rest of the stuff is just repeat on the video, but Taric requires patience early and good concept of macroing (roaming when appropriate midgame, knowing to space out ability activation to get the most out of mana dumping with your passive, etc.), and realizing you can indeed initiate plays without having an engager.

  14. I'd argue Taric is a great champion, I never played his old kit I can't compare it but in his current state hes not only viable but very versatile for a support. Taric's R does require you to have good game knowledge however, finding that time when you know pressing it leaves the other team second guessing the commit without a free walk out is key

    If the enemy has the stronger engage be the defensive immortal wall, Taric's really good at staying alive if he isn't going in and can keep his laner alive, even though Taric can't dive in his E is very good into diver supports or hook champions

    If you+ ADC feel you have the stronger engage as nilah/samira/kalista/tristana/vayne even kindred, literally any adc who likes to step up to fight! swap to offensive E's with flash or setting up your carry to help stun, you are not going to be as good at starting a fight since you can't dive but unlike a diver you can heal you + adc up during and after you back out so its not as punishing as boofing a naut engage or BC where you get shreded out and are out of lane

    I think Taric is a sleeper overpowered champion, he scales super hard and has a deceptively strong early game if you push into him which puts the enemy in a bit of a awkward position since hes pretty secure in scaling and hes hard to punish by diving.

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