MMORPG World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria [WoW] official main intro login theme trailer music [soundtrack] intro of the expansion. Playlist. Release date 2012 [HD] intro cutscene teaser gameplay preview.
This music is primarily found in Kun-lai Summit and Townlong Steppes on the continent of Pandaria.
Learn more about World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria at
Unlock the Mysteries of Pandaria
You’ve ended Deathwing’s destructive rampage and saved the dragonflights from extinction. Now you must unlock the mysteries of the lost continent and discover the dark secrets of Pandaria’s past. Explore ancient kingdoms hidden since before the Sundering, plunder vast treasures from the depths of the forgotten vaults, and rise to defend Pandaria from the shadow of a long buried evil – before it’s too late.
Always brings a tear to my eye
How do we skip Classic Cata and go straight to Classic MoP?
This always gives me shivers. And now it also pains me so hard, knowing what Blizzard has done to WoW's story in Shadowlands… The game, the story, the world I loved, it's falling to pieces.
Pure masterpiece. One of my favourite from whole world of warcraft
i want to fucking go back
It really makes me sad that I know i will never get to experience this expansion in its full glory when it was well populated. Really makes me sad, I think right now my only hope of actually experiencing it in that way will be through wow classic
God I loved this expansion, best times of wow were this and lich king without a doubt, haven't played since MoP tbh so I'm maybe being ignorant but wow do I miss being 16 and logging onto wow MoP after college
Good ol' memories
Best expansion in the game change my mind. Okay rivaled by WOTLK, but better than everyone released since then. Shadowlands is unplayable in my opinion, so boring.
You go to 5:30 and tell me you don't miss this expansion. Go ahead, do it.
As a WoW player for 14½ years who's been in love with the story of Warcraft as a whole, I think MOP really was one of the highest points in WoW as a whole, say what you will about the pandas (I personally love them) and the monk class (again I mained brewmaster back then all the way through WoD and half of legion) as far as story, music, zone/ dungeon design and everything in between, pandaria was great in my book. Change my mind.
And this one is the one that really brings back those nostalgic memories for me. This is where i started
I haven't listened to in-game music regularly since the launch of WoD (we're on the doorstep of SL now). Pandaria had one of the best game soundtracks of all time, in my opinion, and now it's hard for me to listen to wow music and enjoy it. There have been a couple themes that are good since then, but the music in between is just annoying. I refuse to log in to Boralus and hear its music ever again, it's that annoying.
I'm not going to put on rose-tinted glasses and say that MoP was the best expansion ever. I will, however, say that it was the first expansion I played remotely seriously, and I loved it. For ME, it was the best experience I've had in wow. If Classic eventually works its way up to MoP, I would absolutely play it.
I joined WoW in late Cata, but my first full expansion experience was Mists of Pandaria! This music brings back memories. :3
1:23 to 1:53 give me chills. Finally MoP was fun.
still by far the best login theme hands down ! these cats played the shit out of this tune!
Damn 5:43!!! 2020 anyone?
5:42 name ost?
It still gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it, beautiful soundtrack.
Damn I miss Pandaria..
i cant discribe what i feel with words
I'll be graciously waiting for something like World of Warcraft: Pandaria at War, Fall of Pandaria….or whatever they call the next Pandaria expansion.
Soundtrack kills me every time I listen to it and by the end I'm a tearing mess. Haha. I really adored this expansion. Really one of the best in the games history.
Is no-one going to give credit to the dings at the opening? I mean, every time I here those I get major nostalgia xD
The Pandaren, the Blood Elves, and the Humans of Stormwind are the only ones whose music themes are hummable
"The trees in the vale have never stopped blossoming, and in time we Pandaren learned to live as our emperor lived. His lessons endure in the temples of his land and, from the snowy peaks of Kun Lai Summit, he watches over us. It is said that if we listen very closely he speaks to us still, through the mists.
These are the emperor's gifts to us, and this is Pandaria."
1:43 start of pure beauty
2:41 – 2:56 best part. You can't change my mind.
First Menu Theme I Ever Heard In Wow.
And many other parts, WoW themes are epic in their ways. There are always many awesome parts.
We didn't know what we had until it was gone.
Invincible didn’t make me cry. Lament of the Highborne didn’t make me cry. It was this fucking expansion. The expansion where I started WoW. God damnit Blizz. I wan’t my MoP back ;-;
The soundtrack of this is good, the expansion it self sucks, zones are good, but quests are boring, i mean it always goes boring, 3 expansions were fine which was vanilla,tbc,wotlk those were masterpieces, wotlk for me.
Master oowey
I so LOVE pandas and ASIANS, just gotta hug both!!
Great piece!
This was a underrated expansion