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2XKO (Formerly Project L) – RiotX Arcane: Epilogue | The Right Foundation

Tom & Tony Cannon reintroduce 2XKO (Formerly Project L), an assist-based fighter set in the world of Runeterra.


#2XKO #projectL #riotgames

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  1. riot sendo riot, penalidade de ranqueada, para jogar precisa jogar 5 partidas summoner rift para remover restrição, devo adivinhar oque aconteceu? devo me preocupar? no passado havia um motivo, agora pelo visto a riot tem o costume depenalizar de forma ridícula o jogador, sem a menos uma satisfação do que aconteceu, por mim a riot enfie no … eu só jogo aram

  2. Hello Riot Games, I just wanted to ask if you could do an animated film or music video for LoL on your LoL channel on Youtube in which the champ Katarina appears again after a long of time. I ask this not only because you can make really good, and I mean really awesome animated films, but because many Katarina lovers would still like to see a Katarina film and love it. I and many others ask you very nicely and cordially to make such a video. It doesn't matter if it would take a long time or not, because we would love to see something like this and you have the time in the world so take your time and please give me feedback if you would do that, we would all be very happy. 🙂

  3. When will Rios Games give us the Honor to play a MMORPG with a big open map to explore and grow up lvl champions, make money killing monsters and droping loot and selling to npcs to buy items and be more stronger with any champion, make quests or dungeons, missions to obtain outfits, make teams with friends and look for bosses like Baron! and to have a small chance to drop an legenday item!!! im very sure that im not the only one waiting for it!


    Mario Armenta

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