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Big news for many classes: your hero talents are about to get a lot better.
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Can we get glyphs that change ability looks but require a specify hero talent choice. Like strombringer shaman get a much more storm elemental look for assendance
I dont mind the Warrior hero talents, but cosmetically they are boring as shit. Thane is ok, but weak so its really not played other than prot.
We had dark ranger on ascension classless wow for a few years now
Still waiting for real druid hero talents…
your videos are good, very informative. BUT and I mean this with all kindness I BEG of you cut the head rotation down 75% please!! I cant even watch the videos because its so distracting.
Those changes are massive nerfs to BDK
dark ranger should have been a whole new spec fuckin hate how hero talants arnt classes/specs. and no i dont want fuckin class skins thats lazy and for people coping with blizz lazyness
Great to see they arent doing anything to Mistweaver monk even though Master of Harmony is literally so weak it may as well not even exist
thanks blizz
Why do deathbringer DK's get to show off their scythe but Sentinal hunters still dont have their owl shown to other people? Everytime the tank pulls the mobs out of my AOE
History is a 7/10 at most (for now)
Gameplay feels weird and ofc theres a hard meta that if you are not playing you wont get anywhere.
The M+ Rotation frigging sucks, all dungeons are boring, or badly designed.
The so much hyped hero talents are barely noticeable, almost all pasives, with no real gain.
The Constant changing of clases and re-re-re-re-rebalancing they try sucks. You cant play a class like it is cause tomorrow will get nerfed to the ground, or worst, your favorite spec is totally unusable.
Would be great for disc priests to have instant radiant even if it loses a bit of the healing it does with longer atonement so we can be more effective raid healers, its kinda unfair how to provide decent healing we need to know the fight 1000% better then anyone to do a 8sec planned ramp…
Savanna isn’t just a dark ranger though that’s the issue if your comparing her to a dark ranger. She is a banshee and that was what she turned into that had nothing to do with dark ranger
Tbh those new thumbnails are way worse. It looks like AI generated, and even I saw very very similar on different accounts.
What the fuck how the hell do you changing hero talents already when they only existed for like ONE MONTH
As a ret paladin main both of the hero talent trees are terrible imo
I hope that they fix Oracle, feels really weak atm, especially with the icons for premonition being practically impossible to tell apart. Archon needs more visuals
im happy that classes are getting love but the PvPer in me is just seething at MM continuing to be broken
I think Blizzard did themselves a big favor by deciding to do a trilogy. Normally they would be able to basically run away from their mistakes by having the next expac overwrite them. Now they can't and it's showing. Now it's a matter of if the lessons stick.
Higher standard for classes? laughes in beast master no.
So still no dh changes
The biggest problem with hunter is that their ain’t no aoe and single combined good talent. You always need to switch between mobs and boss
What do you think is bad about DH? You said it as if everyone knows but I just started levelling mine
I think hero talents changed nothing for fury warriors or arms warriors. They should do something about that, also, ranged warrior class that plays like Draven in league would be cool.
Hero talent tree should have been unlocked at 78-80 each talent point coming from completing a class quest
We just need to raise our expectations of the developers. They make almost 200k a year to develop expansions that make you feel you are in a beta until it is almost over
Rogues are literally and completely neglected.
I want to see my fist weapons on my monk. that is all