Wrath of the Lich King Cinematic | World of Warcraft Reaction ! Subscribe for more and follow my twitch to discuss live!
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Impressive that you cought the Pose that was referenced by Anduin.
Anduin was recently (in the Expansion Shadowlands) mindcontrolled by the same guy that was the puppetmaster behind Arthas and basically remporarilly made into a new Lichking.
please use google for 10 sec before you do this….. "who is arthas?"……
Best expansion ever.
apologies in advance if someone's already said this
Q: "What happened to Arthas?"
i promise you won't be disappointed and you'll understand the lore behind many of the characters in WoW
A: go play "Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos", specifically the Human Campaign followed by the Undead Campaign
Q: "What is his relation to Anduin?"
A: none… Arthas and Anduin are from 2 separate bloodlines from 2 separate kingdoms. Arthas was heir to the Menethil line, ruling in Lordaeron (where the Undercity is), while Anduin is part of the Wrynn line ruling in Stormwind (i believe Stormwind was a sister-kingdom to Lordaeron but i might be wrong)
Anduin's is not cool, its a cheap reference to an iconic character while he's crying like a beta male!
The Lich King used to be a paladin named Arthas. He was a fallen Paladin who became a Death Knight
It's a shame you don't watch the Wrathgate and ICC cinematics to see how the story plays out. its incredibly important to the story of one of WoW's greatest characters and true villains.
The realization of that pose and saying Anduin did that pose. It was indeed first Our True King Arthas's pose.
This is my Warcraft. I played Warcraft the RTS back in the day, following the life of Arthas and his tragic story. From losing his personal horse as a child, growing to try to stop the scourge by becoming the scourge by a tragic lie. I came in at the end of Burning Crusade and played every minute of Wrath. #letthemcome #frostmournehungers
Im late to the party but, 2:18 Arthas and Anduin are foils. Anduin's choreography is supposed to echo and mirrior Arthas.
the moment when he realized the pose
Pretty easy to call you out that you watched this one before you "react" to it…
Arthas used to be a good person who wanted to protect his people (like Anduin) but he became the king of the very thing that he sought to destroy. I suggest looking at lore videos.
Nice catch on the doing the same pose anduin does..did not catch that
Dang, finally someone who understood at once what was going on.
I'm sure others have told you the entirety of Arthas' story (and maybe how it related to Anduin's) already, tho I'll definitely say that yes them calling back to this in the war within was huge, with a lot of lore behind it ofc, but honestly mostly as a big bit of fanservice because this character and this cinematic are so iconic and beloved
But you mention the voice acting, the voice actor Earl Boen for King Terenas Menethil, Arthas' father, sadly passed away in January 2023. He gave us what is probably the single most memorable, iconic, and universally praised piece of media in all of warcraft, probably all of Blizzard's history though
To get a better understanding of this lore’s expansion look up the Warcraft 3 frozen throne arthas story line you will see how he transform from. Paladin prince to the lich king
Anduin is connected to arthas from shadowlands storyline, you’d have to watch all the shadowlands cinematics
Arthas’s story would make one of the most intense trilogies the story is so long and would have to be told right. Like lord of the rings.
There's more to Arthas not even looking back at the dragon he's just raised into undeath. He's the Lich King. He can see through the eyes of all the undead under his command. The undead army coming under his command at the dragon's roar? That's him working his magic through the dragon.
You shall be king…
The feels when you played a Warcraft 3 as a child
omfg… Increadible
This whole cinematic shows the bastardization of Arthas, and his role as the future king of Lordaeron, showcasing how he grew into the anithesis of his fathers hope for his future.
welcome to Warcraft
It is so cool how you noticed the pose that Anduin and Arthas did. Without playing the game and knowing the lore the cinematography spoke to you that much. So so cool
Good catch with the "pose that Anduin did". Lots of synergistic depth in that one shot.
Alright hold on for a moment, there is no way I am high enough but, just after Arthas pulled Frostmourne, Philip said "look at the regret" as he pauses to look down at Syndragosa?
the best cinematic
Are you sure you didn't play wow before this? You pretty much nailed Arthas based on one cinematic.
There is no fucking way that any male between 30-50 y old that lives in europe or usa to not watch wow lich king cinematic at 2023 %99 of these are fake… not first time reacting for sure.
dude is faking it so much that even porn stars fake their moans and shit more realistic than this lmao, im glad he is film maker and not an actor lol
I really really wonder what Blizzard is doing making a connection to Arthas (a fallen human prince, and a paladin of the Light. A warrior priest. Arthas "growing into a weapon of righteousness" also likely refers to his past as a Paladin), and Anduin (a human king, and a priest of the Light. A Priest King. Anduin himself is also generally depicted as being a man of righteousness, even on the battlefield, so "weapon of righteousness" is a title that would also suit Anduin very well).
It feels almost as if they are setting up a story parallel or a mirror with those two, which could either hint at Anduin going into a direction where he is becoming a mirroring of Arthas in good (as in, Anduin is shown to be similar but different where it matters), or as foreshadowing of a coming fall from grace for Anduin. This is absolutely exciting stuff.
Note that when Anduin hit the Arthas pose, his blade is shaking and quivering. Note that Arthas’… was not
im a bit late to the party, but just want to say that you did an incredible job, connecting what happens in the cinematic to the lore, especially the part about looking at the ice before raising the dragon and his humanity* too. as someone who has loved the franchise from nearly the beginning and remembers how everyone lost their minds when this cinematic was first revealed, it was a joy to watch this video and im definitely gonna check out the rest of this "series" too. (apparently i watched the Astartes reaction a while ago, lol)
scanned through comments and two small things i think that are happening that i want to comment on, that i havent seen elsewhere:
6:55 you asked at one point in the video what caused Arthas to awaken, but i think because of the pause between his name being spoken and him awakening, its indicated that he wasnt (really) awoken by an outside influence, but by his own decision. he chose the point in time.
1:55 (earlier timestamp for no interruption) the sword he pulls out is Frostmourne, its the single most legendary weapon in the warcraft universe, probably on par with The One Ring in LotR, that is why its getting its own, slow establishing shot, which also feeds into the other scene where he points it at the (or next to) camera, holds it for a long time, to infuse it with magic and then another shot of arthas ramming the sword into the ice, showing the glowing runes in full glory.
this weapon is very nearly as important a character in this cinematic as arthas is. because its one of the major factors that made him the lich king.
17:58 this close-up, showing a bit of the person beneath the helmet, along with the final verdict of his father, might be the only other bit humanizing him in this cinematic, more obvious for people who might've missed out on the part of him brushing the snow away. the one moment his gaze isnt certain, possibly recalling the words of his father.
the helmet itself is also a legendary artifact (Helm of Domination), also responsible for turning him into the lich king, but probably less known by people.
*spoilers for the game: there is a quest (set after the events of the cinematic) during which you discover that arthas actually removed his heart, his humanity – which is actually represented by a ghost/vision of his child self – and tossed it into an unimaginably deep pit underneath his frozen citadel.
despite doing that, the fact that his frozen heart was still intact meant there was still some humanity left with arthas, the lich king.
i dont remember the details anymore, but iirc in the end his heart gets destroyed, truly taking the last bit of humanity from arthas… until his final moment.
it also plays a bit into what you said about him wearing the helmet the entire time, because arthas was meant to be dehumanized, to not have any humanity left in him, but we discover that he still does, just as you point out with his posture too. in his final moments, the helmet gets removed too, making him "human" again.
also im not sure i would agree with his pose, standing before the awakening dragon, means regret, but thats maybe something you would need to know the lore for. to me, this pose speaks of his sheer determination. hes not looking back at his actions, literally and figuratively, the cruel actions that made him become the lich king, that needed iron determination even when he was human still.