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World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary Event & Rewards Overview

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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:33 General Info & Release Date
01:41 Bronze Celebration Token Currency
02:33 Caverns of Time Activities
05:41 World Bosses
06:47 The Codex of Chromie
07:19 Timewalking Classic
08:13 Blackrock Depths Raid
09:04 Korrak’s Revenge
09:20 Rewards
13:50 Achievements
14:36 Final Thoughts & Outro

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  1. They've done a fantastic job by the looks of it! I certainly wasn't expecting a raid, but I'm very glad for it! I imagine it's not something we should expect in every .5 patch going forward though so I hope players don't get their hopes up.
    I'm curious how many Bronze Celebration Tokens you can get a day. It sounds like it shouldn't be too hard to get enough to buy all of the cosmetics. I'm just wondering if it'll be a scenario where you need to log in every single day during the event (even though it's supposed to last 2 months)

  2. The mountoff event will create too much rage. I think it makes sense for streaming events but an actual wow event seems like a really bad idea. Since wow likes to timegate alot of mounts and then never see them again

  3. I have had periods of my life when I've left wow and reflected negatively on how much time I spent in the game.

    I'm 30 now and have played since 2007. Now, when I reflect on my time in the game, it makes me smile. All the friends I've made, the epic moments, and the peace of knowing Azeroth is always there for me if I need it.

  4. Best celebration yet. First thing im buying: Paladin Tier 2. Gonna get probably 8 more characters to 80, for funsies. Dont have a lot of mounts, but i do have some rare ones, so may be fun to try the mount off. World bosses will be great (may finally be time to get me that Sha mount…), timewalking is STELLAR for leveling (71 – 80 in a few hours), gonna be a great one, for sure!!! Wish dh had a chest piece that was fully fleshed out though; my only complaint- just doesn't flow to me..2 belts across my chest seems awkward when other pieces seem like an actual set. Oh well, can always replace it with another mog!!! Lol. So glad i came back to WoW… never a better time to in my humble opinion!! 😊

  5. Wow get stupid just every time new stupid things to loss your time to try get.. the same thing to 100.000 players lol! what nice and unique… this game is make for loss your beauty time.. in 20 years look the same them the first day.. the evolution is just negative.

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