She decides who lives and dies. Witness how Kayle delivers her divine judgment.
The Kayle champion spotlight reveals the new gameplay and visual update for League of Legends’ classic celestial warrior.
See a preview of Kayle’s new abilities in game and how her kit leaves enemies begging for mercy. Her ultimate, Divine Judgment, unleashes a cascade of shining swords, and her new Starfire Spellblade melts foes with ranged attacks that deal fiery area of effect damage.
Over the course of the game, Kayle ascends and transforms, increasing in power, flying on multiple wings, and becoming a rapid-fire DPS late game threat. Watch the full champion spotlight to see the Righteous become almighty.
Kayle is on PBE now and will be live and available to play in game soon. In the meantime, check out more Kayle preview content:
Kayle Reveal:
Kayle Champion Trailer:
Seen the champion spotlight and ready for more? Check out other League content, like the K/DA music video and the AWAKEN animation, featuring champions like Akali, Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa, Jhin, Camille, Draven, Riven, Irelia, Sion, Karma, Yasuo, Kennen, and more:
Bring back the true dmg
the early game suffering ain't worth non true dmg
I miss the old Rework lvl.6 effect
That's cool and all but I took this justice angel and made her support to be a guardian angel
I still true dmg
Absolute garbage rework, no kill pressure in lane, Q impossible to hit on a target that is running away, no mr/armor shred passive, no way to farm pre-6, and most importantly YOUR ULT MAKES YOU UNABLE TO AUTOATTACK MEANING YOU EXCLUDE YOURSELF FROM BASICALLY AN ENTIRE LATE GAME TEAMFIGHT WHICH YOU FARMED FOR FOR 30 MINUTES, completely self contradictory. Hit diamond with Kayle 3 times, hundreds of games, now she is absolute garbage.
Rework morgana, make her Untouchable when she is using her ultimate
It's an angel by the book
Half the video for her passive only..
Morgana: i feel empathy for you sinner tell me why have you committed such an atrocious act?
Since her rewerok i never play her again
I always like her sister better.
"Two Swords". One of those belong to morg you know.
"remember kids, Kayle is good for you"
Where's the Morgana spotlight?
I feel kinda bad for the league of legends players because in wild rift once she reaches level 5 she becomes ranged. The only issue people have in wild rift is deciding to go either AP or AD kayle.
Am OG Legends never Die
isn't this kayles like third or fourth playstyle?
Kayle has the most weird and ugly dance
Yes, let'schange the cool armor with bodyskin spandex
I suppose it's ironic then, that her version of justice involves the enslavement and slaughter of mages. My money's on Morgana.
Outscale at level 11. A wonderful idea for a game where matches end after 20 minutes. I love the innocent development of your little indie studio over the years.
Please add more items in the game
Sorry but I don't like this rework. I don't even like the color and the design… The only cool thing is the evolution factor.
Wild rift players gather here
Welcome to wild rift kayle..
this version of the rework kayle is better than what we have now, no true damage…
Watching this vid before Kayle will be released in wildrift
This girl coming to the Wild Rift :DDD
She's going to wildriftttttt this December
Bring back true dmg
this popped in my recommendation,
i think she is coming to Wildrift soon
Welcome to the late game champion spotlight
Kayle is comming to wildrift