Battle for Azeroth is an oldie but a goodie from non other than Blizzard Entertainment and World of Warcraft. Let’s check out why all of you recommended this trailer after the War Within video a few weeks ago.
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I love how he honored the video and didnt pause it or talk too much over it,and rather waited to comment after.
Btw,as a 16 yr Alliance player,Anduin mass res makes me shed a tear every time I watch this 🥲
And I love how he mentions “there must be lore behind it” for various things – and thats definitely right ^^ they did a phenomenal job showcasing the power of the light. Also,that was one of my favorite expansion. But so is the current one. WoW is phenomenal right now.
The best cinematic by far. So, so good. For the Horde!
Overwatch please
you horde leads from the front. pussy allies leader huddled in the back, total cowards. the mistake they made was missing Sylvanas and pissing her off, oh yeah. cant cast mass rez in battle. allies always cheating and they still cant win
And Anduin looks sooo much like a young Brad Pitt in this that it is ridiculous ;D
The detail at 2:26 the two guys reloading the cannon! Jeeeeez
His voice could've been deeper
Anduin's help falls
Oh that's why nvm
Bliz NEED to create a film studio… and shunt their trailer/warcraft3 cinematic teams over onto it.
give them as much time and money as they need….
or a starcraft one… as Anduin appears to be a time traveller. 😛
Now watch the best wow cinematic trailer, Warlords of Draenor , and the Swtor ones. Ill never get over how goofy Varok Saurfangs warcry is
One on one, nobody beats a tauren in a fist fight.
If you really wanna see a masterpiece of a cinematic for it's time, you should watch the first WoW cinematic and Wrath of the Lich King. Imo those two are the top ones BECAUSE of their age. Also from the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic you can SEE how much the Game of Thrones took inspiration on how they made their white walkers, there is even a little nudge to the wow trailer in one of their episodes where the white walkers more or less act out the same scene from the cinematic.
"blizzard's been killing it"
yea, their employees too
"I have no light anymore"
Regarding Game Of Thrones Easter Eggs, one of the scenes in the seventh (?) season of GoT is a direct homage to the World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King cinematic.
can you please react to Diablo III Ending Cutscene
Anduin in the first clip (Battle for Azeroth) is only 17 -18 years old! Now he is around 23 -25 but he looks older because of everything he went through in Shadowlands.
Music is also important. Look clibs without music make it deifferent.
To continue what others have said about lion being the symbol of the alliance and Anduin Wrynn being named after Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Stormwind…..Sylvanas also calls Anduin Wrynn, Little Lion….
I strongly recommend the Elder Scrolls Online High Isle launch cinematic. Specifically, the thing that grabs me and so many others is the realism of the un-named knight's movements. They REALLY put a ton of effort into the swordsmanship of the "antagonist" (whom everyone ends up rooting for). I wouldn't be surprised if they brought on a whole team of HEMA experts for the choreography. To design a cutscene in a high fantasy world where elves, wizards and mages exist, to make just a guy with a sword the standout character is insane choreography. His movements are so life-like the it carries the entire animation.
If you haven't yet, I would recommend the SWtoR cinematic super cut includes the 3 release trailers and a trailer for each expansion.
Just wait till "The War Within""
Regardless of what people thought of the expac itself, THIS is my FAVORITE trailer of WoW. Yes, even beating out Wrath. Maybe even my favorite cinematic even outside just the trailers, though Anduin visiting Saurfang comes close.
It just had SUCH fantastic HYPE moments for each faction, such thrill, beauty, viciousness. It's epic and feels like it has everything plus it looks awesome to boot of course. Love it.
My favorite trailer!
I played the game for about 6 years, never had a Horde character but…
For the Horde of Sylv I get goosebumps every time!
I just never understand, why they did not make a cinema movie animated like this. I always loved their cinematics, they get me goosebombs.
Do you think its too expensive or does it takes too long for such a huge project? I have nothing to do with 3D Animations or anything, but I always asked myself why the WOW Movie wasnt just like their cinematics to 100%
Please do Warlords of Draenor.
Battle for Azeroth trailer is from 2018. Not 10 years ago.
Never gets old watching my dark lady going into her banshee form, as a player since vanilla the cinematics still dont disappoint (unlike the expansions lol)
Please please watching wratch of the Lich King trailers’
The people making these videoes must feel so proud knowing that no matter how the game actually feels like playing and so forth.
The cinematics is something everyone always agrees on is just sick. ( most..there are neysayers shouting the loudest always ofc )
this cinematic always gives me chills
He (Anduin) is known as the "young lion" of the alliance, whos symbology is pride and strength through unity after taking over the throne at young age. He kind of embodies what it means to be the alliance, and embodies a paladin/priest, those who look to the light (a religious belief of sorts) that directs their power as something that on its face is supposed to be seen as the root of good (spoiler alert its not that easy and or straightforward)
iirc Blizzard learned a lot about fire and particles when they made the cataclysm trailer – the behind the scene of the making of the trailer showed just how much they had to learn for that
i admit I was drunk at the night this trailer released at blizzcon. Since i started to play WoW i am a horde player and when Silvanas sed "FOR THE HORDE" I almost cry …. 😁
well out of that Expansion only the Trailer is good
Lol, this isn't 10 years old, it's half that.
My Queen… Patty Mattson as Sylvanas voice actor is so f….. amazing
If you haven't watched the cinematics from The Witcher 3. Some of my favorites.
Definitely should react to the KOTR cinematics!!
Their latest trailer is a billion times better from an animation pov
It's kind of sad. This trailer is the best one blizzard has ever made, their art team is second to none. Yet, the devs still continue to put out lackluster content/systems for WoW. Fall from grace to be honest. I really hope they compensate their art team handsomely, because it's gorgeous.
Anduin literally healing his whole army seemingly without breaking a sweat is the absolute highlight of this video for me
You should check out the original World of Warcraft cinematic as well, which I think honestly still looks good, and is amazing for its time.
Well, not 10, but 6-7 years ago, this is from 2017. Of course, they're indeed showing off in the new trailer. 😀
However, my all time favorites will remain the three old Arthas cinenatics, two from Warcraft 3, and the Wrath of the Lich King.
My MAN! Death Stranding just dropped an AMAZING trailer with the name: DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH – please check it out!
The best they've ever done is War Within. It's just amazingly done.