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CDawg Questions Ludwig’s League Gameplay

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  1. naw what hurt me that most is seeing him being 0/4 and he actually spent money on a pink ward. Boys and girls please for the love of GOD! DO NOT BUY PINKS WHEN YOU ARE BEHIND ALREADY. all it does is give you -75G and them +30g and exp for killing the ward.

  2. I don't think it's too crazy of an exaggeration to say that I have never seen anyone be as bad at a game as Ludwig is at League. I have never played the game in my life and I still feel like I understand more of the game than Ludwig.

  3. Ludwig is literally too impatient to actually learn the game. When he said he “grinded fiddle supp” he didn’t actually learn much from the 5 games he’s played the role.
    If he actually listened to caedral he wouldn’t be making the same mistakes as renekton…
    Honestly they should just cut league. Ludwig may be trying his hardest but he has such little time to practice 😅

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