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#ludwig #cdawgva #mogulmail #ludwin #leagueoflegends #tyler1#caedrel
#ludwig #cdawgva #mogulmail #ludwin #leagueoflegends #tyler1#caedrel
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naw what hurt me that most is seeing him being 0/4 and he actually spent money on a pink ward. Boys and girls please for the love of GOD! DO NOT BUY PINKS WHEN YOU ARE BEHIND ALREADY. all it does is give you -75G and them +30g and exp for killing the ward.
lud just doesn't have enough champ knowledge. its like 40% of the game
Did bro just say 0 – 13 – 9 was good? Is that 13 deaths and 9 assists? As a support? Good?
At least dr disrespect wouldn't be stuck in iron for 3years
Best way to learn champion abilities is to spam aram and play champs you know nothing about.
Just get him to play sona or sera he would pop off
6:43 buying executioner's and bramble…..
"Why didn't you invest money when you were young?"… Because I'm not white
I like that there's a game that Ludwig likes that he's bad at, it makes him more relatable
if you cant play fiddle in his normal role i don't think you'll do much better in roles that force a unique character to play even more uniquely
Why is everyone acting like they werent just as bad as ludwig when they started playing league
Someone new playing fiddlestick

Someone new playing fiddlestick support :
If you’re going to pick off-supports at least get something like Shen or something
"You don't get to tilt in a League of Legends game when you're the one who's inting" ummm I think 90% of the community didn't get this memo
Support Fiddlesticks was all i needed to hear

The look of pain in Connor's face when bro said Fiddlesticks Support
who would win, ludwig or kadeem?
Skill issue
i remember the clip and connor is asking to go kill which he doesn't bring up that's hilarious
His fiddle sup was astoundingly bad last night lmfao
I don't think it's too crazy of an exaggeration to say that I have never seen anyone be as bad at a game as Ludwig is at League. I have never played the game in my life and I still feel like I understand more of the game than Ludwig.
i want to see qt's overall reaction to ludwig playing this horrendously
I remember i got into a diamond with fiddlestick support. Fiddlestick is good against low elos to mid elo's. but high elo hell no.
Lud should just play support. Like play support Sona or something.
Why does Cdawg sound like the new corse husband.
Ludwig is literally too impatient to actually learn the game. When he said he “grinded fiddle supp” he didn’t actually learn much from the 5 games he’s played the role.
If he actually listened to caedral he wouldn’t be making the same mistakes as renekton…
Honestly they should just cut league. Ludwig may be trying his hardest but he has such little time to practice
This is the same guy who lost to a gromp.
Lud is so bad a mobas that it has become interesting to watch. It's like "what mistake will he make next!?"
this dude is the worst player in every game he's ever loaded onto the rift
At this point, just be a discord kitten yuumi for adc connor. Unless connor cant adc at all