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Too OP Mordekaiser Gameplay – Wild Rift

Too OP Mordekaiser Gameplay – Wild Rift

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  1. Friends, whoever wants the best Mordekaiser build, here it is:


    Ghost and Flash


    Last Stand
    Legend: Tenacity or Legend: Alacrity
    Ingenious Hunter

    Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads
    Mantle Of The Twelfth Hour
    Rylai's Crystal Scepter
    Spirite Visage
    Psythic Projector

    (no need for like). The name of the build is Immortal Extreme and it was created by me

  2. It seems that the bots ai got wacked by his ult they dont move just stand
    But damn that shield is too huge and chonky
    A lot of players will abuse the heck out of this guy once he is released and im one of that abusers hahaahahahah

  3. i dont know man…. this champion can be super op killing everything and everyone. or it will be absolute shit after few nerfs. and he becomes A-B tier champion countered by 80% of top laners and countered by smart players who avoid his skillshots.

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