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The BEST MOUSE SENSITIVITY and SETTINGS for Call of Duty Warzone

The Best Mouse Sensitivity Settings for Call of Duty Warzone that the Pros use!

This video is an in-depth guide covering the best mouse sensitivity settings including DPI, in-game sensitivity, eDPI, low vs high sens, ADS sensitivity multipliers, Relative vs Legacy ADS Mode, monitor distance coeffecient, and more!

We take a look at what settings some of the best players in Warzone are using such as Huskerrs, Strahfe, Tfue, Icemanissac, Symfuhhny, and many more.

How to improve your mouse speed (watch this if you are lowering your sensitivity because of this video):

My Aim Training and Tips Playlist:

Intro: (00:00)
What is cm/360?: (1:04)
eDPI explained: (1:47)
Why use cm/360 over eDPI?: (4:00)
The majority plays low sens: (4:51)
Pros/Cons of low sens: (6:21)
Pros/Cons of high sens: (7:01)
What DPI is best? (7:49)
ADS Sens Multiplier: (9:20)
Relative vs Legacy ADS Mode: (11:08)
Monitor Distance Coeffecient: (12:57)
ADS Sens Transition Timing: (14:07)
Other Mouse Sens Multipliers: (14:41)
Custom Sens per Zoom: (15:58)
Inverted Controls: (16:19)
Mouse Acceleration/Filtering/Smoothing: (17:06)
If you change your sensitivity: (17:40)
Outro: (18:21)

DPI and Latency:
Data List:

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Warzone Movement Guide:
Warzone Complete Settings Video:
Warzone ‘Loadout Formula’:
Tips to Improve Aim:

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  1. I saw a video recently that said putting monitor coefficient on 0 is better for more consistent flicks on targets within center of screen as well as flicks to off screen targets. Does this mean anything to you?

  2. I found it better lowering mine to 5.7cm/360 i used to play around 2.88/360. played at 1/360 for about a year. i dunno. i'm comfortable where i'm at. though trying to use the same sens in apex seems more difficult then cod. ttk and movement speed may be the factor

  3. I run 1600dpi 4 in game and ads sens multiplier focus at 0.75 and it made me a better player I sim train every day and it works well for me keeps my movement really fast but my aim is slow

  4. This video needs more recognition! There is alot that you cover here that is very niche but you answered every question I had. I've been playing mw2019 on 17.00 at 800 dpi and I've found that sens does not translate as well to other games and hurts my overall accuracy.

  5. Please explain, how a flick of the wrist is less preferable compared to dislocating your rotator cuff. Also, wouldn´t the longer travel distance undermine a good reaction time?

  6. This video was terrific, clearly broken down and easy to digest. My question is on monitor distance coefficient; there are lots of forums on mouse sensitivity discussing zero coefficient is best for muscle memory, your thoughts on this.

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