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11.0.5’s WINNERS & LOSERS Are HERE! Shocking New Meta | The War Within

As 11.0.5 is fast approaching, the class meta for both Mythic plus and rating is about to shift. knowing which classes could shine and struggle is key to staying ahead of everybody else. we got some major class changes and updates, and it’s crucial for you to know the biggest winners that are poised to dominate this patch, and some of the classes that are going to fall behind. today we’re going to be breaking down the best and worst classes heading into 11.0.5 for PVE related content. well that wasting any more time, let’s Dive Right into it.

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00:00 – Intro
00:45 – Winner Class #1
02:26 – Winner Class #2
04:26 – Winner Class #3
06:38 – Winner Class #4
09:28 – “Loser” Class #1
10:38 – “Loser” Class #2
11:55 – “Loser” Class #3
13:34 – “Loser” Class #4
15:30 – Outro

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  1. finally someone is talking how shit is ww monk. big THANK YOU
    maybe the blizzard bullies will see this video and stop living in deniel that the classes are balanced!
    and ww monk was and is at tbe button for 10 fk years!

  2. Bro said druids arent having any success in any content lol. Yeah, this channel is way off base. Just a pve opinion page. Great voice, seems like he means well, but not based.

  3. issue is that as the season progressed and we saw how well some classes were actually doing blizzard failed to update their patch notes for 11.0.5. leaving a lot of under performing classes in the dust while the current meta classes get a lot of changes. I have a good feeling they'll throw flat % damage increases like they've been doing all season long hoping to balance dmg out when they should be incorporating better talents/skills.

  4. Brah really? Arms literally getting aoe nerfed and a 2% dmg reduction from slayer from overwhelmed. How are we not the number 1 loser. Not to mention we have 0 utility except battle shout and rally cry..

  5. I love the style of play with Demonology. Ive been maining lock since legion and its onw of the few classes that really clicks with me as i know all the cool downs and mechanics of the class and i can solo tier 8 delves with it. Its just if you mess up your rotation or miss a proc it will really lower your DPS. I wish we had better shard regeneration or maybe even 6 shard slots so i wasnt always wasting shards on accident with my procs. Especially since infernal bolt generates 3. We need more shard slots.

  6. Bro blizzard is trolling monks like wtf no ability in any game,that has ppl running around with roughly 10 million health, should hit for 3000 lmao ps feral is dominating pvp i feel like you been living under a rock not knowing that good vid otherwise tho

  7. You are slightly mistaken about prots not getting any famage mit they are getting 10% armor 10% more on sotr and the lesser cds on hammer and hidgement means more sotrs. Is it enough? Idk

  8. There has never been a point in WoW where Warlock hasn’t been exceptional in a raid tier.

    Look at Liquid’s Lock main THD, him being on Warlock was invaluable to their win.

    Affliction is very similar to Unholy. Lags behind in low keys but absolutely crushes in high keys where pulls can last several minutes.

  9. So they're buffing all the overpowered classes and then throwing all the classes that aren't doing well in the trash, instead of balancing the game so people can enjoy the spec and class that they like. Great

  10. I think it's a pretty high chance of balance becoming meta and participating in god comp. It's already one of the best ranged DPS (only losing out for Aug) in the high keys. Mages are losing a lot of value with resto shaman and Aug being so damn strong, and with balance becoming meta, Prot warrior can become the best tank for pushing high keys (suppressing the guardian druids). I think the resto shaman, Prot warrior, aug, balance and frost DK maybe the god comp this time around

  11. Sure, rogue in general is strong, with sin being like one of the 3 best melee dps specs in the game right now and OL being viable, but sub is absolutely just in the fucking gutters. In mythic raids, it's starting to fall off because you'd eventually run out of Vanish charges on longer fights and then your damage falls behind. In keys, the spec just doesn't do damage, period. On higher damage maps, sin is pulling 2 million+ overall DPS, while sub is stuck at like 1.5 million. You are actually delusional if you think Sub gets anything of value out of these changes lol.

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