6 Important Things About New Teleportation Class In CODM BATTLEROYALE
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GAMErHyNas Server – https://discord.gg/cRU7ab92ef
Time stamp –
Recall – 00:00
Range – 00:19
Character – 01:18
Teleportation – 01:46
Enemy Pov – 02:20
Class gameplay – 02:55
Music Credit –
Music By White Bat Audio
Music By Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio
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sometimes the left movement stick does not work , any fixes for it??
They should havr just made reviver class able to pick up dog tags to combat tag campers
This is only better than rewind on certain situations like trying to revive a teammate far areas, gathering resources, and passive positioning. For aggressive play and quick tactical repositioning, rewind is your go to.
What if you suddenly jam a squad or you are driving and your vehicle stuck were many enemies are… 😂😂😂
I don’t see myself switching rewind for this new one but I’ll give it a try. Plus Broken might came up with a crazy way to use it lol
Give us time travel
Omg another stupid class😕 maybe make sense to stop made for every seasons the new class? This game transformed to classes battleroyal 😂 it was good decision to quit this game, so many stupid things in CODM
Useless class. 😂😂
Bro where to find cp at cheap rates without negative
Just wait before the beacon😂 he will come to you
It would be funny when you teleport back and find yourself in the middle of another team.😂
These is for team baby 😂
Time to upgrade rewinde 😂
Can it be placed on the back of the Truck??
New Class ❌ More GB+ ✅
Inside Houses too… Ok that kinda op esp in that new map… Damn…
This class is absolute garbage
Trap master the kryptonite of this class
You are One of best the codm content creator brother ★_★→💯
If they're found ur teleportation machine…… Ur dead….
another redundant useless class.
You can hide under that tank?
Should have been able to also pull you squad
Wow those devs went all out on the design, same as Revive was just a copy.
Can enemies destroy the device?
If possible, test it on a jack or in a truck
What if u press the teleport button nd the timer starts nd then u r knocked down … Do u still get teleported or not ?
Another useless class. They could have done better. That can be easily countered in squads. It will be destroyed as fast as kinetic station and the rav. I bet it will be used for half the season and never seen again just like jumpboost 😅
Someone can just wait beside the Beacon until u see your teleport back and shoot you
Another jet boost.just usrless like the same
Next season se hacker class se khelunga
The way they would have made this better is that even your teammates can use when u place it down but it is still a good class 😃
Teleportation is actually OP like you mark the map location and teleport instantly….but this version is just plain one sided.
Teammate reviver taking note
People saying this is better than rewind just proved they don't understand how class system works i'm not a hater but this class is another waste of resources … Rewind class = front line class = aggressive players … This new class is tactical class = back line = none aggressive…even campers will not use this class because it's not helpful for overall scenario. It might only helpful in specific scenario…like for dogtags assuming the enemies won't camp the dogtags or won't chase you … But the thing is … Rewind class can also do the same much better because it's an instant teleportation … Its also not helpful as other back line/support class like medic hacker scout … Current Meta rotation class. rewind front shockwave front ninja flank smoke bomber front medic back line/support scout backline/support hacker back line/support misdirection and igniter both useful in any scenario! If this teleportation is like wraith from apex this will absolutely change the meta!
Jaha beacon lagaya h wahi trap, ravager laga do 😁
How the hell they not give u early access to the new map. That's insane. Love you bro ❤🎉
This class should’ve been called rewind…it’s like the ravenger launcher just without the missles
Guess im first
Love your videos bro😍