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LAST MINUTE NERFS TO META SPECS (LOOL) | 11.0.5 Patch , The War Within


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00:00 Intro
00:35 Frost DK (Deathbringer)
02:31 Arcane Mage
04:28 More Changes Coming (CONFIRMED)
06:09 BEDGE

#thewarwithin #WoW #Warcraft

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  1. Mages are popular, but if you look at their performance they are mid af outside a very specific scenarios for each spec. Those nerfs will be reverted in a week.

  2. Yeah thats not nerfs.. and to be honest we do not need more nerfs across the board point is to buff significantly underperforming specs not slightly tune down the meta ones.. they did say more tuning is coming at the 29th or smth but not sure what that will look like! The true ubsurdity of dk dmg specs in general is that you can pre ams any significant debuff in keys poisons on last boss ara kara pre ams last bos SV pre ams the blast debuff in dawn by the captains pre ams the aoe debuff from the scarabs in threads pre ams the root at last boss threads pre ams the root at last boss necrotic wake pre ams the debuff from the robots in SV pre ams the curses from the golems in stonevault pre ams the stun cocoon thingy from villagers in mists pre ams and i am sure i miss some

  3. All these youtubers reading blue posts pretending they know what they're talking about. These are not even nerfs. These are rollbacks on unintended buffs.

  4. So they do a big patch with class balancing… 1 sec before the patch hits they change everything and 1 week after they change things again? whats wrong with blizzard?! why cant they deliver ON patchday, its so fucking annoying. also they wont get it right EVER, because they have no clue what they are doing.

  5. glad that you are happy that frost dk got nerfed. they were once viable since the last 3 years. totally undeserved. buff other specs and stop nerfing. this is coming from a wl main. you guys are such crybabies

  6. TWW in general is a good start for a promising 3 expansion long saga, but seems like blizzard dev team otherwise is still a total mess and these back and forth changes shows it. They should fire some people and hire more motivated ones. But as I have said this is what blizzard has always done with Wow. They never cared about class/spec balance but always favored some META setup and that is their way because that is more cheap and easy to maintain. They have even kept 1-3 classes always on the top just to make it more easier and cheap. Still they fail and manage to create a total shi*show. But that's how it is and always will be. Just play the META, there is no point to whine about it because it will never get any better. It has been like this for 20 years. And always the same thing when community start to cry about new things and coming changes, they make rushed and "forced" hotfixes fearing people will abandon the game and now everything becomes even more of a mess and failure. I have seen it happen a million times with this game. I was so waiting to race change few of my characters to dracthyr but community kept on whining about the "double jump" and so they changed and nerfed it just before the release day and thus ruined the whole thing. Typical.

  7. You were already outdpsing Frost DK in your M+ runs all the time. Now ele is getting even more buffed and frost got like a 10% nerf. Why even play frost when you can play assa or enha. Both should do about 20% more overall at least. Or just play UH DK.

  8. "don't get too happy about DK getting nerfed because it's not enough of a nerf"? blizz should bring up all other classes not nerf. plus balancing all this around the 1% top players is insane. everything should be balanced around maybe the top 60-90%. everyone shitting on Frost DK when the last time they were good was when they were released. plus breath of singragosa is the worst thing to balance. its the easiest ability to mess up and lose half your dps if you don't have 100% uptime on smacking buttons. remove breath and buff all other abilities or make breath a limited duration with no runic cost.

  9. Gg time to quit frost dk and wow all together been a blast being a meta class for the first time. People play and mmo to progress not regress. Whats the point of getting ilvl 639 when its gonna feel like my current dk at 628? No im not some reroller i only play frost dk and before u say anything i am rated 3.1k

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