10 HIDDEN CHANGES in Season 10 COD Mobile! | CODM | Call of Duty Mobile Season 10
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New Test Server – https://youtu.be/Hn2aaDjFIxw
Mythic Alias & more – https://youtu.be/cpatwZjVlnY
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Which of these new things do you like and what are you most looking forward to in the 5th Anniversary in CODM?🤔❤️
Huge Season 10 Leaks👉https://youtu.be/cpatwZjVlnY
Free LST Crate Revealed👉 https://youtu.be/_p6XcQQnrSI
New Test Server👉 https://youtu.be/Hn2aaDjFIxw
6:31 i hope it’s a tournament camo
How is it not available in global? I mean my codm account is log in on Facebook not in garena or guest because I still remember my server and it's Asia because I live in the Philippines and I can play the alchemy event even the entire thing I'm been grinding all camo I only have 9 of them left already had all ar camo for alchemy camo even shotguns only have few smg, knifes and pistols but I clearly not understand how? I'm in global server yet Me my friends and classmates can play
What??? 🤯🫨😍💪🫶
The shaking thing when is is very useless
How do i download the test server?
What does it mean by "chips" on that new setting?
when is anniversary?
PAPANJOE is there any update when the legendary snowboard coming back😢?
3:09 i think it's a bug, cause it happen to me every day in global server
i wonder if codm would still shut down anytime soon, cuz I intend on buying an account
Papa Joe pls upgrade my account
Why not fixing spiking ping eben tho internet is very strong
Hope return saw with chopper rule of game
Plane cabin glowing effect is a bug, it sometimes appears in my regular game too
when's the Halloween draw starting???
It was clear that we could use the trains I mean it was obvious wasn't it?
Imagine the fights in train,it would be a john wick movie 🍿
saw coming back?????
Looking forward to season 10
Im not gonna enable th somic boom effect 😢 it's might mess with my gameplay
Great ❤
I have been waiting for this video! Thank you
keep going bro, very good
Hopefully Alchemy Stars camo comes in Tournament.
New camo will definitely be a tournament mode. I promise you.
Clicked faster than how my dad left
Plzz Codm plzz Remove the issue with Pakistani Network zong Because it is the best network to Play plzzz
Don't need to worry about exucution cuz i got the mythic ghost 😅