How To Earn FAST WEAPON XP in Black Ops 6!
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Black Ops 6: EVERY PLAYER Needs To Know This! Fast Weapon XP, Bonus Unlocks, & More! –
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0:00 – Fastest Ways To Level Up Weapons in Black Ops 6!
0:49 – Earn Easier BO6 Kill XP & Bonus XP In Hardcore
2:26 – Face Off in Black Ops 6 Is Easy XP & More Kills
3:24 – Objective XP Bonuses In Black Ops 6
5:16 – Black Ops 6 Decoy Spam For Free Bonus XP
6:12 – Higher Streaks Mean More Bonus XP in Black Ops 6
7:01 – Double Weapon XP Tokens & How To Get More Of Them
8:10 – Stacking All These XP Methods Makes A Big Difference
In this video, we’re breaking down the Best Ways to earn FAST WEAPON XP in Black Ops 6! As you’re leveling up your BO6 Weapons, you want to be maximizing how much Weapon XP you earn, and this video explains the best ways to get more XP in COD Bo6!
Thanks for checking out the video. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, as I’m always covering everything going on in Call of Duty, including WARZONE, WARZONE 3, & Black Ops 6!
#blackops6 #bo6 #codbo6
UPDATE: Decoy XP has been disabled in a new update. Idk why. Sad times. Thanks for watching <3
I’ve only played hardcore since MW19 glad to see more people joining the dark side.
It feels like they got the weapon level up system from xdifiant
Hello call of duty team. Some of us have jobs.
Play zombies its gets like 20 levels in your weapon
This leveling system is the worst I have ever seen do they really expect you to take 2-3 hours out of your day to just level up one gun shit is dumb
I would love to enjoy the bigger maps this time around. I REALLY hope they lean into some 12v12, 16v16 type shit….
The 6v6 on tiny maps from the jump is a massive W though
Anybody else have a problem with blueprint guns not showing changed attachments on the gun in multiplayer
Bro is it just me or is everyone's movement super fast while I'm looking like a robot
Although I appreciate how easy the camp grind is this time around, I will say it’s extremely lazy. Mainly with the camos. All camos are the exact same with the exception of the “special” camos. That’s so lazy. They could’ve made it to where there are different shades.
I will plug along in core. Can't play Hardcore. Just isn't enjoyable on any level
Quick question zach, if you decide to prestige in multiplayer after you set up your classes in Warzone will they all be gone and reset as well?
Im on series x and it doesn't matter how small I make my safe area, the ping and packet loss doesn't show, it only shows part of it.
They should add the quadruple XP event in season of BO6/WARZONE
After this last update, I keep getting an error message, "Disc read error [15.0]: 'ingame.fc' – Check log for more information" every time I try to play Warzone. I don't own Black Ops 6 and I'm still on the PS4. Anyone else having this problem?
What this guy is telling everyone is what I already know, because the Core Mode is for beginners who want an easier game with more Health. Whereas ever since I’ve played Multiplayer Mode it’s ALWAYS been Hardcore Mode that I’ve played as it’s for the more advanced Players & more Realistic guys!
Plus, it does level up your XP’s faster on Hardcore Mode than it does on Core guys!
Bro I’m struggling with trying to see max level on the guns as I progress and is there a way to see the guns progression for unlocking attachments? I must be blind:( and old:( #Skoal
the first vid i watched on this channel was best loadouts for warzone in march 2020 when it released , that was the first time i found zac and i have been watching him since then , i wish you a healthy and happy life zac , i love hearing your voice , you always sound happy .
How do you get low level players in HC? Most of my lobbies are ultra sweaty with players way above my level, even tough I go negative most of the time.
Can you now tell me how to get rid of Campers because in HC i am somehow or one or 2 others running around and the rest is just camping. Campers are worse than Cheaters.
Idk about you guys but I get shit on every single game…. Badly. I'm definitely an above average player but idk i just cant grasp the flow of this game.
i watched you all the way back in 2019 for modern warfare. it’s amazing to see your still pumping out amazing content. keep it up
played for about 10 game half was full of cheating and one was streaming his cheats
Does anyone else think domination and hard point are the sweatiest lobbies compared to team death match , killconfirmed and face off ?
can someone help me out as I'm a dumb fuck…
the map at the start of the video, is this on every mode or not? I've played a couple hours and not got the map once lol
Why is ttk so hard and quick?