Get more headshots in call of duty black ops 6 with these 9 aiming tips to help speed up your dark matter mastery camo grind!
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#tcaptainx #callofduty #blackops6
Tcap, just want to thank you for you being the most honest and helpful cod YouTuber out there.I first found your Channel during mw2 and I’ll never forget it. Thank you
It’s impossible to hold angle when everyone sliding around corners
Hey TCap, I was wondering to anyone actually if AimControllers paddles are strong. I’m thinking of investing in an Aim Controller but have seen people complaining about the paddles being bad, just wondering if anyone with an aim controlller thinks that the paddles are good or bad. And or if I would break them or wear out a lot over short time periods.
Does anyone know how to fix not getting aim assist in wz. I dont get aim assist and ive tried every thing I can think of. Im on pc downloaded wz of of battle net. I get aim assist on bo6 but not in wz. I have it on. Ive tried changing my aim assist type, curve type, unpluging my key board even using a different controller and I still dont get in on controller.
Half my guns diamond. Not gonna lie if Yall need tips and guides on headshots this community is chalked lol. Literally hc face off. Aim roughly head height when centering. Recon perk active. It’s tedious but not hard at all.
I’ve noticed that lower headshots didn’t count too, thought I was going crazy!
I feel that practicing in zombies is a really good if not the best for practicing head shots because it’ll allow you to practice for MP but also start working towards Zombies Camo Mastery
the person behind these headshot challenges is a sadist change my mind
Great vid !.
What’s your headphones bro ?. Ask many time 😅
Or…you could just cheat like most streamers with scripts, foot pedals, and cronus.
I can FINALLY get more head.
Im struggling with shotgun head shots. I can only get 2 or 3 a match 😭
Thumbnail goes crazy😂
Bro put joe, connor and zen in the thumbnail bruh
Got a shadowban because of the wall bangs with that perk combo
thank you, ive been having some throuble with the KSV
Bro is still dodging my 1v1. Prove it on the court!
Thumbnail and title are crazy 💀
Thumbnail is hilarious, put some respect on joe's name tcap
You have to get a lot of head!
I usually wait untill season 1 for the new cod
Bro you will never be a bad streamer I’ve been watching your videos since 2020 and you’ve never gotten old
Title is WILD
Lol I’m first