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Here is the ULTIMATE EASY SOLO TERMINUS BOSS FIGHT GUIDE!! 100% FOOL PROOF in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies.

This guide will make it super easy for you to instantly beat the terminus boss fight in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

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  1. This comment is irrelevant to this Video, just saw you stream for roughly 4ish hrs earlier on roughly 5hrs ago that u finished but no Vod up for it yet, just the edited video for the guide on this boss fight.

  2. I love how it's because you've been grinding all these years and past months leading up to launch that your exp/iq and ability to test and tweak setups are on such a high level that you've been able to put this together so quickly. Such a friggin legend. 🍕

  3. Not sure what caused this for me but I have a game breaking bug that cost me my first solo run on this egg during the second phase of the boss fight, theres a bug that causes his weak point to straight up just never appear and after trying to brute force it for like 30 minutes, I just had to give up otherwise i would have been there for actual hours.

  4. is this a bugged boss or something? no way it should seriously have THAT much health, i literally cant focus on it either because there's 30 zombies, 5 manglers and 2 amalgams chasing me

  5. Came to this video to see how you even get to the boss fight, but you explained nothing of the sort you just say you need these weapons and you need these gobble guns that’s great and all but how do you get to the boss by is my question?

  6. I’m so annoyed. I got to the end but then I used my chopper gunner and it instantly broke. Then when I got out of the chopper gunner I was surrounded by zombies and went down. Then I self revived and didn’t know his blue ball attack instant downs you

  7. They’re probably gonna nerf streaks against the boss but I really hope they don’t or at least I hope they don’t nerf them too much, including nerfing the damage on normal weapons that much. If patient 13 becomes a bullet sponge, it’ll deter people from repeating it

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