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11.0.5 Is One Of The Worst Patch Releases In World of Warcraft History

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  1. I was bored of this expansion the first month in , then came 11.0.5, and it just feels like I'm forced to do a bunch of chores for our "Celebration anniversary". This expansion left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not excited for 11.0.7 nor will I resub.

  2. Unpopular but correct statement: if you complain about the current state of WoW, from the horrible cash shop (if you paid $90 for a mount, LoL called, and they want YOU!) story lines that are a poor and weak counterpart to the original story lines, weak raids, PvP imbalance, etc etc… if you hate all of that, and you yell “WoW SUCKS NOW! IT’s FOR PUSSIES!” Well, it’s your fault. It’s my fault. It’s all of our faults. How? We saw the changes coming, and we still bought into it, and gave them our money. Don’t like it, don’t play, but don’t complain without looking in the mirror first.
    “We’re all just a 2min cinematic away from crawling back…” Asmongold

  3. I've played since 2006 and my anniversary reward is grinding transmogs with no fun gameplay loop to go through. Remix was fun, I leveled alts and got a lot of great transmogs. My time spent in remix was fun and rewarding. When the new patch dropped I went to the event area and start taking quests and half way through decided this is boring. I hearthed out and never came back. Not worth it and does not feel rewarding. Don't care about the new mount, just don't park it on top of quest givers. Lag is bad, really noticed it in PVP last night.

  4. So glad i waited to buy TWW, seems like a pile of hot garbage. DO better Blizz if you want my money, I ain't just gonna hand you my cash cuz you release content. So many people pre order this garbage that Blizz never has to wonder if they are gonna make money because they already have, BEFORE the trash even releases, pathetic.

  5. Dude stop hate mongering on WoW when you're not even playing it anymore. Just move on and stop trying to tear it down. There's problems with the game, but no game is perfect. It's not that bad.

  6. You do realize that phasing is bugged by the way?

    If you haven't done undercity stuff, you're stuck on hallows end. No, I can't see the npc either.


  7. I’m just confused because they are talking about being two expansions ahead in production, which would make me believe that the patches for the next two expansions are pretty much done and live just needs maintenance and QA. Then how is this happening?..

  8. Ive been thinking about unsubbing. Idk why but the way the community embraced and gobbled up the $90 mount really ruined the game for me. It showed me this game wont exist much longer. I give it another 18 months before Blizz priority entirely shifts to selling cosmetics. Just like Overwatch

  9. I did all the anniversary event quests, and whatnot can the rewards were minimal?
    It was so unrewarding that even with a patch for increase drops currency. I don't see myself doing it again.
    Because it should have been done initially 😂. Lag, lag, lag. My rapid fire doesn't proc a second time from talent build i mean, it procs, but it doesn't fire.

  10. Kinda getting over all the whining and complaining. This is has become the norm for the wow community. It doesn’t matter if blizzard gets it right, you guys still torch it so you can join the crowd.

    I don’t need everything to be a mega raid event for me to get alt gear. I think there’s plenty of room for adjustments.

    The urge to be negative is reflex at this point for most of the community.

  11. This is why I play Classic. You know what you're going to get, more or less. You see the coming doom of a base raid, the light at the end of the tunnel, you know what things to not bother doing because it turned out to be pointless or annoying, etc.

    Though Cata's been a mixed bag. Mostly due to the devs pretty much leaving us on life support for five months and doing absolutely no bug fixes.

  12. Blizz Dev 1: Hey, you remember that Radient Echo event from the prepatch?
    Blizz Dev 2: The one where a mosh pit of players fly from point to point in a tedious murder party, doing random shit and then gang stomping an important lore character?
    Blizz Dev 1: Yeah, lets do that again….except in the worse zone of all time, with less rewards and not even half the variety of events the echo event had….just trash mobs and balls.
    Blizz Dev 2: Brilliant.

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