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Huge Changes: Blizzard Just UnF*cked The Anniversary Event.

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Blizzard didn’t hold back when responding to Patch 11.0.5 feedback.

00:00 Blizzard Are Tackling 11.0.5!
00:34 Giant Bronze Token Change
03:29 Mythic+ Now Less Punishing
04:49 – Content Changes & Nerfs
07:38- Even More Class Updates
08:23 – Big Trading Post
10:38 – Titan’s Sus

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  1. WHO even cares about AOTC any longer, you can PUG it and it really means NOTHING in how people play. The game is LOSING PLAYERS and as I said before all the people that came back for the expansion have STOPPED PLAYING all together.

  2. You gotta be joking, they tend to learn? And listen? No, they make things ridiculously difficult then say "we listened". They break things then they make them as they were and say "we listened"

  3. Let it sink in the best weeks in retail are time walking weeks and half the mythic+ seasons are old dungeons. This patch is reskins of old content and very poor new content… I don't think getting more tokens is really the issue anymore.

  4. Great video. Guys don’t buy Manscape products bit of a scam. I bought one of our packs and the shaver stopped working after about three months. I tried to get it replaced under warranty and they told me that I had to buy a premium monthly pack in order to get my shaver replaced.

    Which in most countries goes against the consumer rights .

    I could’ve followed up, but I decided it wasn’t worth the time. Just bought a Phillips instead. Does a much better job and it’s half the price.

  5. We want them to be a cakewalk

    Can’t something in this game just not be a struggle ? I can find meaning and things without struggling for them. In fact, sometimes I don’t even fucking care about meaning I just wanna relax goddamnit God fucking dammit.

  6. I really appreciate your efforts! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  7. Yea, gg, 20 years later, only interns with colorful hair work there. And I don't even want to start with this Siren Island shit hahahaha make sure you don't have to pay money to create a char. or have to pay per hour. ah, whatever, you're happy to pay for it.

  8. If they make it harder for level 80s to do timewalking, doesn't that just drastically worsen the broken state of low-level characters and overgeared returners that completely annahilate timewalkings rn? Like why would I ever play a level 80 in a time-walking dungeon and just get my butt kicked when I can pick my level 70 BIS Dragonflight character or my level 14 hunter and then just oneshot everything?

  9. No, Blizzard don't listen. My mounts are still fucked up and Blizzard ignores every bug report. I want my ray mount animation back for Nether Ray, Mana Ray and Dragonhawk mounts. And everyday it fucks me more up seeing every NPCs fly with the right animation. My favorite mounts ruined with no purpose after 18 years.

  10. The catastrophic data loss situation is just getting worse now. Turns out its not just thousands of guild banks that Blizzard lost and won't restore. But now a growing number of people are losing gold to warbanks, currencies to warband transfers, and they're still seeing random reputation/honor resets. There have been happening all over the place and Blizzard is straight telling people they don't have logs of the loss so they're not going to restore anything for anyone. Have they honestly been not backing up data at any point over the last several years? Are we one blown fuse away from getting sent back to vanilla warcraft?

    I've never heard of a game with so much data loss that doesn't defer to backups if possible. Make it their top priority to restore everything they can, and compensate the heck out of players for anything they can't, plus extra for the inconvenience. Instead players are treated with hostility for making tickets and bug reports, like threats of action against their accounts because Blizzard considers these matters closed, no restorations, no help. I wish more people knew about it because its mindblowing how bad its gotten.

  11. I farmed up 50 tokens last week and this week enough to buy all the t2 outfits. Abd thats just from hitting 100 tokens and then farming brd lfr with the 10 alts.

  12. Gotta disagree on the dungeons. Remix style timewalking = best timewalking. Get in, get out – or hopefully able to chain with a level 10 monk tank doing millions of DPS that's basically un-killable.

  13. They truly fucked timewalking.. it was already a bad idea to scale it to current level. It was always so much fun to use old legendaries during timewalking dungeons. And now they made it even harder for the same super low ilvl rewards..

  14. Hmm, seems like a reoccurring thing with Blizzard and this expansion. Release completely broken and seemingly untested, come back and frantically fix things with patches as if it's a beta test, except it's release. I'm about done with it.

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