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10 Minutes of ADVANCED Tips & Tricks For Black Ops 6 ZOMBIES!

Black Ops 6 zombies tips and tricks. How to earn more points, how to earn more salvage, how to not run out of ammo, how to train zombies more effectively, what augments to research first, and what are the best loadouts in the game, all of these questions and MORE here in 10 minutes of ADVANCED Tips and Tricks for BLACK OPS 6 Zombies!
BO6 ZOMBIES Camo Tracker:
BO6 Zombies GUIDES:
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Augment Research: 0:00
Omni movement: 0:57
Diving to Safety: 1:49
Earn More Points: 2:07
SAM Trials: 2:36
Customize Wall Buys & Mystery Box: 3:28
Armor Management: 3:42
Stop Running Out Of Ammo: 4:22
Change Gums & Field Upgrades MID-GAME: 5:33
BEST Equipment: 6:17
BEST Field Upgrades: 6:53
BEST Kill Streaks: 7:18
Maximize EVERYTHING & Efficiency: 7:38
Dealing With Difficulty: 8:32
DO NOT Wait For “Directed Mode”: 9:12
MINECRAFT Channel! ::

How to find ALL Schematics:

Gain EVERYTHING in MW3 Zombies (Zero to Hero):

Tier 3 Guide:

Red Worm Guide:

Dark Aether Guide (Season 1):

Dark Aether Guide (Season 2):

Dark Aether Guide (Season 3):

Unstable Rift Walkthrough:

BEST Weapon XP Strategy:

Cold War Zombies ULTIMATE GUIDE:

Black Ops 3 Zombies ULTIMATE GUIDE:
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  1. I can’t do Easter eggs coz my game crashes all the time everytime I try and do one haven’t even gotten through the liberty falls one hopefully I can do them before directed comes

  2. To all new players BO6 is a great improvement from Cold war. It is a great balance of difficulty. You have to learn from mistakes and treat every gameplay as a new lesson. I play with my son and man we have a blast building wonder weapons. Have not done EE hopefully @Doughnuts can help us during streams soon.

  3. Just thought I'd say I had no confidence whatsoever for Terminus but the I watched ur video about the easter egg and 2 games later I now have the Terminus calling card

  4. Gotta say though, PHD slider sometimes cuts down on my camo grinding. I’m just having so much fun sliding into zombies that I forget to shoot my weapon. Lol! Super fun! And you still get all the effects of Flopper with it too!

  5. Hey Doughnuts! Just a video idea/suggestion, could you explain what gobblegums and augments are?? And how they work? Thanks for the vids and keep up the great work!!

  6. 9:15 I really enjoyed MWZ but I would stress out about only having 45 mins to get the artifacts, upgrade them and place them in the altar but with BO6 I feel like I can take my time and really enjoy the process 😮‍💨

  7. I highly recommend at least researching the first two augments in every piece of equipment so you at least have some enhancements for everything!

    Also, if you struggle against Amalgams/Abominations run Big Game with Shadow Rift. If you proc it directly on an Elite they instantly DIE.

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