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The BEST And Most Popular Classes For M+ Content In 11.0.5! | The War Within

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  1. Dalaran you know this is actually painful. There are so many pugs cherry picking especially frost dks, enh shams and assass(dont forget ret). I had to switch from bm to surv to progress faster. Good thing is surv is shit ton of fun.

  2. Dont listen to this garbage clickbait video. this video is so tone deaf and reeks of FotM low skill meta goblin content. Congrats on farming them for views.

    Literally any spec in the game can easily clear +10 keys. Comp only starts to matter in 12s and above which 99% of the player base will never interact with

    I’ve cleared 10s using drums running one Druid 2 monks a HOLY priest and a arms warrior

  3. Can we get a video of which class is most casual friendly and also works well with groups, but is not hindered by being alone? From the top of my head, I would say warlock Hunter death night, either frost or unholy. Classes that have the potential to easily clear a level eight delve. Without too much trouble.

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