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Black Ops 6: 11 BIG MISTAKES You’re Making & How to Avoid Them (BO6 Tips to Improve)

Black Ops 6 has been out for over two weeks now and as we gear up for Season 1, we’re about to have launch 2.0 essentially, but hopefully not a 2.0 like the Warzone 2.0 launch. Anyways, while we’ve had a bit of time to play, today I wanted to take a look at a few mistakes you may be making still and how to correct them because watching back footage while editing, looking at my progression of things, lord knows I have been making quite a few mistakes that just even trying to improve my own game – Figured we could talk about it and perhaps help others out in the process. So, what’s a mistake you’ve been making in Black Ops 6? Let me know and make sure to drop a like if you enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all things Black Ops 6. Closing in on 600,000 subscribers, just over 4,000 away so if you’d like to join the community, I’d truly love to have you along for the journey! Anyways, let’s get into it… This is: Black Ops 6: 11 BIG MISTAKES You’re Making & How to Avoid Them (BO6 Tips to Improve)

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00:00 – Intro
01:02 – Mistakes With Your Permanent Unlock Tokens in Black Ops 6
02:24 – Misuses With Your Time & XP in Black Ops 6
04:18 – Mistakes With Create a Class You’re Making in Black Ops 6
05:14 – Mistakes With Rushing Into Gunfights in Black Ops 6
06:23 – Mistakes With Crosshair Centering in Black Ops 6
07:15 – Mistakes With Movement in Black Ops 6
08:19 – Mistakes With Doing Too Much in Black Ops 6
09:24 – Mistakes With Playling Solo in Black Ops 6
10:18 – Additional Mistakes in Black Ops 6
10:48 – Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!

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  1. I rush too much and I know I’m doing it and can’t help it, but still having fun. Like as soon as I spawn I’m just immediately running towards the middle of the map.

    As an apex player tho, I love the movement in this game so sliding and jumping is muscle memory, but there’s this feeling you get when diving sideways and landing a kill. (Also sprinting backwards and side to side ignoring physics feels wrong, but in a good way lol)

  2. Who wouldve thought having a life, job, personal goals, and people depending on me would be such a detriment to my cod grind. Miss the good old days with no responsibilities and being able to focus on the cod experience

  3. 😂 most of yall complaining about guns leveled but are the same people that grind camos everyday 🤡😂 that’s why you get 2 categories diamond and call it quits🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. I’ve been trying to use my first prestige token on perk greed, but when I press Y on it to unlock it nothing happens. This is the case with all wildcards. If I try pressing Y on literally anything else it will give me the option to unlock it though

  5. Just prestige and haven't used the unlock yet. Talking about using it for a wildcard is actually a really good idea! Thanks for the tip! Also another mistake I'm getting better at is aim down sight by reflex. There is a lot of movement demons that likes to slide up to you to take away the assist. (I play on console). So as of late, I've been doing more hip fire and it's been helping alot!

  6. I am not sure about whether I made a mistake in focusing on just the camps at the expense of prestige. The better the attachments, the better my kills. I think it's the right strategy for me.

  7. my mistake is having 3 and a half days of game time in zombies, and having a whole tracker for camos. Only had the game for less than a week. still the grind is real, tracker says only 45% complete, and half my guns mistic gold, each game I come out with a gun close to gold or gold

  8. Note you dont get double xp on the missions, with missions i mean the 7500xp from dark spine or dark matter
    ive tried it the entire double xp weekend and it hasnt doubled it a single time
    so don't even bother getting double xp for those things

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