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World of Warcraft Classic+ CONFIRMED – Discussion

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Credit to hammerdance for the interview

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  1. I agree with the author. It is necessary that the classics were the same as usual, but with the elimination of empty spaces on the map. The atmosphere before the medieval antiquity attracts players, this must be understood. I suggest adding a rating arena with the ability to use professions within the classics. Or another HC version of classic+ with the ability to go to BG (without death) and an achievement system

  2. I've been waiting 20 years for an undead paladin, I don't understand why we can have undead holy priests but they argue we cant have undead paladins because they cant use light. It makes so much sense. Its the main thing I want from Classic Plus, Undead Pally, and give them a taunt and seal twisting like tbc and thats it pally is sorted for classic plus. Then give alliance dwarf shamans. Easy fix.

  3. I've said it since they released 'Season of Discovery' but the 'Discovery' was not only the new content for new players, it's for the developers to 'Discover' what would be readily accepted for a Classic+

  4. Never watched a video I agreed so much with. Blizzard with Classic+ really needs to understand that they should be focusing on adding MORE not vastly DIFFERENT. Keep the base game of Vanilla and build on what already exists, not change everything that makes Vanilla, Vanilla. While the pally vs shaman change would be one of those bigger game altering changes, I do feel it’s necessary to start off Classic+ right and save any bigger / major changes, years after its release.

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