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  1. Playing classic for 1 month. Than on and off than I’m waiting for tbc. Can’t believe we going on a recycle on all 3. We really need classic+ it’s a joke at this point

  2. Doing SMs at best is my goal, raiding in SoM is enough for me right now, cant imagine doing MC and spamming 1 button with warrior, endgame in classic is shit and lvling require too much time, i can see hype also in my guild, i wonder how long this will last

  3. Completely overhyped and will die as soon as people do a raid and realize they're 15th on prio for loot behing 15 warriors. People wanted fresh TBC not this. The play right now is to continue playing SoD (or cata if you are still playing that) til the end and then roll a toon when the tbc prepatch hits. Also no dual spec from the jump will ensure the death of these servers even quicker. The whole "hype" behind these servers isn't even for the game itself, it's for the fresh/leveling aspect. Cutting out the ability to respec on the fly while lvling and getting pre-bis is mind numbingly stupid.

  4. Imagine asking for classic+ for 5 years and we get classic classic classic…..only people are excited for classic fresh are streamers, nostalgic fanatics and trolls. Anyone else in the right mind won't be playing. Crazy.

  5. I may be tempted to give this a try. I haven't played WoW in years, though I did try DF when it first launched after not playing since Cata. I didn't really like all of the changes so the experience was short.

  6. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to play the worst version of the game with the worst class design and the worst raids. Back when blizzard designed the game to be a really bad job rather than you know, a fun game.

  7. I dont know a single person from my huge guild in cata or retail who is even remotely interested in this relaunch. I'm both suprised and not suprised at Blizzards lack of creativity once again. It'll be empty servers within weeks.

  8. My main dislike is how retail has gotten so many activities and specials for teh 30th anniversary and it comes to classic and they expect us to be excited because they toss us 4 fressh classic servers with some changes they tried to force into other servers.

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