The Kompakt 92 has an INSANELY FAST TTK in Black Ops 6! Try this BEST CLASS SETUP for the Kompakt 92 in Black Ops 6! I show the BEST Class setup for the Kompakt 92 in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and the BEST Loadout for the Kompakt 92 in BO6 Warzone Area 99!
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Use this RIGHT NOW in Black Ops 6! 😳 INSANELY BROKEN! (BO6 Meta Class Setup)
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This is Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer gameplay! Featuring the best class setups, tips and tricks for Black Ops 6! Subscribe for more BO6 content!
This video includes – black ops 6,bo6 best class setup,best class setups bo6,black ops 6 best class setup,best class setup bo6,bo6 best class setups,bo6 best class,black ops 6 best class,bo6 best guns,bo6,best class bo6,best class setups black ops 6,bo6 best weapons,best class setup black ops 6,black ops 6 best class setups,cod bo6 best class,best class black ops 6,meta class setups bo6,best guns bo6,black ops 6 best setup,kompakt 92 bo6,kompakt 92 class,kompakt 92
Video created and owned by: TheKoreanSavage
Thank you for watching this Call of Duty Black Ops 6 video! (COD BO6)
#blackop6 #bo6 #callofduty
what is ur FOV value ?? for core and warzone.
how is there 8 attachments when i can only do 5 do i level it up or something to make an 8 with one of the attachments bro
What are the perks?
Why are the skins all normal In your games never seen a higher skin
Before one of your gameplay vids can u do a quick run through of your settings 🙂
Watching a bunch of randoms settings videos but I’ve watched u for years and want to know what u run
Kompact is easily the worst smg I have used so far, got 5 gold so have used most of them. Every gun is OP in this guys hands
Just wondering can snipers make it in high rank game/ high lvl or skill games I love snipers but no one ever talks about them
Is an iron sight better for smgs or it dosnt really matter? if your using gunfighter
It’s crazy I used to think u was good back in the day
been watching since bo3 & i think this is the hardest youve snapped dude daaaaannngggg…👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤯
Perk Setup?
Stepping away from dauntless. Excited to give this a try.
I’ve been using the kompact since the first time I unlocked it it’s so good
that nuke animation is diabolical
nice pp-919 gameplay lol
Nice vid as always!!
Anyone can explain me hoe he automarks the enemys when he shoots?
Saug better
Whats up K3…
You’re incredible at the game definitely gonna try out the gun with the attachments!
I’m sad they nerfed the stims tbh would be dope if they brought dogs or raps
You literally were slapping me around hard the other day because I remember your gamer tag
Every other month I see your vids seems like your gaining a lot of weight. Go workout
This thing shreds up close but it's so terrible once you hit mid-range. All I'd like to see is making headshots matter tho and I'll appreciate it more
INFINITE LOGIN LOOP needs to be fixed now! i havent been able to play since the 1st day! so many people having this problem because we put mw2 and mw3 guns in our loadouts and now we cant even get into warzone!!!
What’s the aim settings ?
It took me 30 minutes to realize why your aim and shooting is so smooth then I realized you're a controller player :v
I literally turned off my ps5 and stop playing the game
randmonly your video popped up in my screen, watched the sick gameplay
instantly turned my ps5 again lol
Bro you make it look so easy 😂
Reminds me of the kuda from bo3
You know i wanna say touch grass but im not that good to catching nukes i play on controller on ps5 so if you know any good class set ups and controller settings please let me know you are a Dwag KoreanSavage
Dark ops challanges master calling card grind? Next vid?
I’ve been using this on Launch I don’t know why people don’t like this weapon. I would loved to use it more but just got dark matter now I’m going for nebula
challenge: don’t say the word “vibe” in a video (level impossible)
is the kompakt him, or are you him? good games bro
You should change your name to
At least this time the players actually shooting back. lol
My pp is kompak
w bullfrog gameplay
Are u bored playing Niketown over and over again
Stop the cap, drop that reticle for rapid fire
This gun is fucking trash in hardcore. I can’t believe I’m actually saying that.