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The War Within’s Player Numbers Are In, And They’re Odd.

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Today, we dive into the publicly available world of Warcraft player data, all of which is downstream from Blizzard’s API.

Player achievement breakdowns are via Data for Azeroth, who pull from Blizzard’s API. You can check it out here:
Raid and Mythic+ data is collected from, which pulls data from Blizzard’s APIs. You can check it our here:

00:00 The War Within’s Player Activity
02:00 The Level 80 Breakdown
07:04 Mythic+ Season 1 Is Concerning
11:44 Raids Are Okay?
16:14 The State of The War Within

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  1. I have never seen a bigger drop off in our crew than this expansion.

    No desire to raid.

    Punching out of Mythic Plus dungeons early in the season.

    The systems for leveling gear are overly complicated While there is a lot of varied content; it's chore like and unrewarding. Delves are capped for rewards and after a certain ilevel are mind numbing in their simplicity. You have to do minimum level to farm meaningful crests (which is painful in pugs) Spending a half hour to get 50gp on a successful run isn't worth it.

  2. You have to consider last boss kill numbers on all of the selling that blizzard actually legalized as long as it’s gold.

    I see some players and guilds that are actually logging the raids with hundreds of silken court and queen kills per week on heroic difficulty.

  3. I'm very casual. I dont raid or do m+. TWW was a very strong launch for me, the world content was fun and delves brought meaningful progression for players like me.

    That being said, delves started getting stale and I really only do 2 a week to get vault, and I think the anniversary event killed some of the TWW momentum, it was too much of a tangent from the tight storytelling of the TWW launch.

  4. While they is definitely more variety, the weekly treadmill is still a thing and i just an not invested in it. Delves are great and i like that i can reasonably great up solo. Steps in the right direction for sure. Im still subbed, for now.

  5. Let me give the correct answer from someone who ACTUALLY understands what happened.

    Delves are "worthless" piece of content for people who can do high keys 12+ (the people who are limited by gear and not skill as much comparatively) you feel like you are there wasting your time pressing buttons no challenge you get bored you have Delves but you still have to do them and exhausts your motivation to play at all and the fact that at the same time, everyone was forced to do them just to get ready to get hero gear for M+ has done the following.

    Delves giving no-deserving gear flood the population available for M+ with people which only had the gear for it but not the skill.

    Combine this mix of of "good vs bad" players together in harder content including the M+ changes (and this includes DF's increase of Mythic level gear from M+ now being less available basically just to try to solve the issue with Mythic Raiders' reward being more in line with high end M+), and literally everyone is f'ed in so many ways, no matter your skill level.

    Delves were introduced to compensate for the gap in-between the M+ squish, nothing more, it was a band-aid type of solution, rushed and not well-thought, CLEARLY.

    Poor-man's access, Delves vs Mythic, Poor-tosaur mount, record high, game breaking bugs, talents trees that fail so hard, talent trees with absurd amount of many bugs which are still to this day this comment is made are not fixed and are costing healing and damage, classes balance being all over the place, Forbidden Reach v2 and Ring v2 items, both garbage grind content with no substance even worse than Delves, this is how the game has been.

    And now you know why TWW is rushed and bad and before you make any positive arguments about Warbands, let me remind you that this is a feature that should be in the game more than 10 years ago, so it's time to think why the f you waste your money and you free time, to play a game that treats you like this.

  6. In personal view Delves definitely helped me to decide to stay in wow, with profesional and social life getting bussier it's no longer viable for me to raid since I have no time for and don't need more stress connected with mythic+. And without mythic+ I can no longer keep up with my guild. I'm playing the game since WOTLK and it always was important part of my life and at the end of Dragonflight I was very close to quitting. Delves at least help me to get to experience majority of what interests me in the game in my own pace and time and still join for occasional social guild raid.

  7. War within was the one expansion i quit. Why would key plot points be locked behind a weekly titan orb quest. Add it as a msq questline. They also dropped ball on delves. If I keep spending time I should be able to scale as high as mythic raid gear

  8. I liked the zone weeklies inDragon light. I was well over 25 and still did the cooking pot weekly. It was just stupid, easy, and there were people around. Now there’s one theater troupe , and it’s done for the week. The spider weekly is boring. Go do stuff in the zone. The Main weekly is repetitive already, I’m already gonna do world quests. I am a super casual solol player and it’s beginning to seem stale to me, that says a lot. 20 rounds of the machine again in a square room all by myself.

  9. I don't understand why s ppl have to have full mythic gear and everyboday is crying about M+ and Mythic raid being to hard…. if it was easier many important ppl wouldn't have a challange and leave the game.
    Mythic (and high keys) are not for everyon and shouldn'T ever be. And it's ablsolutly fine as it is right now as ppl that have no – or only some – game understandig will fail , for a good reason.

  10. I'm 2.9k rio right now and I gave up on pushing keys, now I'm just running 10s for the vault and logging off, 12+ keys are just too punishing with 0 rewards, you wait 30 mins to get invited to a 12+ keys, if you can't time it you waste your time and get nothing, but if you time it YOU WASTE YOUR TIME AND GET NOTHING, m+ rewards shouldn't be just numbers, at least give us gold or something

  11. The problem is the massive difference in skill levels across the player bases. A solution would be to assign different skill levels across different servers. Rather than different skill level of the same content on all servers. Stage all the hyper competitive contests on the Mythic servers, but have easy severs for players that are just looking for some modesty challenging escapism. Leveling is so fast that moving up to a higher difficulty server would not be a significant issue for anyone who actually feels the need for greater challenges.

  12. My sub has ended and i feel so great, i don't feel like in a place where i am being mistreated. It's that simple.
    Fix the game's bugs, fix the absolute bad af talent trees, the dogsh*t M+ issues, or no sub,, end of story.

  13. You guys always keep jerking off that this game is dying huh?

    You can't even imagine people playing..TO HAVE FUN? Not to sit 12 hours a day through mythics and raids etc.
    yall got zero life fucking hell

  14. I really wanted to get the diamond mechsuit mount, but seeing I don't really have a guild or friends to play with and my main recourse is relying on pugging, I felt it would be way too much work. So much so, I wager I could say the entire game feels like too much work subconsciously even though I'm generally pretty casual; I haven't logged in the game for about a week or two even after not worrying about doing the weeklies for anything.

  15. btw about the brutosaur, it's not that clean a number. You have to remember that much of that came off tokens, which were money that Blizzard had already made. So, you gotta make the token revenue cut before calculating the millions the mount made by itself. But either way, yes. It was mad.

  16. Thanks so much for the shout out to Data for Azeroth! I hope everybody enjoys the site!

    Overall, great video and love your content! One warning I'd give is that pulling millions of characters from Blizzard's API takes time. So the percentages for newer achievements may seem lower than they actually are, just because the data hasn't been loaded yet. I have a page that shows update statistics, but in general, it can take 3-4 months to get around to updating all characters.

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