How to get ROUND 100 EASY in Black Ops 6 Zombies map CITADELLE DES MORTS!
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Milo really doesn’t do high round. Rarely did it in the past, did it recently but i get it. What adult can mentally sit down and play a video game for 5 hours without their brain being liquefied. I couldn’t get paid to play video games because I’d be so depressed that i wouldn’t enjoy casually playing in my free time.
However milo did call me out for fair criticism and took offense to my criticism on one of his lives, and now i take offense at someone I’ve been watching for 9 years or so and’s who’s constantly reminding his community to be critical to COD, didn’t take kind to my criticism of them.. so yea, now I’m going to start making videos just to prove milo wrong, that he does indeed need to take more time when making these guides and he as someone with power needs to be more cautious of some of his claims. I didn’t watch any streamers, but we would’ve beat the EE within 6 hours of release if it wasn’t for rofl and dalek giving out misinformation on their streams and people that I’m playing with taking their speculations for actual steps. We went 20 rounds from when we started a step that was not yet known to the community, because streamers shared wrong info. Once we realized 20 rounds later that information wasn’t correct by just having someone else do the step and it worked, but we died. I’m just talking, and it’s not their fault but yea thanks for being the reason i stream now and make guides milo.
Is it confirmed we can Save&Quit for the Another Round calling card?
The mind is willing but the carpal tunnel after I hit round 34 is stronger lol. No amount of skill can take away the pain.
This was nerfed way to fast. Would've been nice for dxp
The patched the cigma strat
Curious… Why the Gs45 over the explosive sniper? I've found the sniper to be a hell of a lot better. Ammo lasts a lot longer and does more damage…
Doing everything said in video but could barely make it round 50 idk what im doing wrong just getting hit so much when doing the rocket launcher meta
if your point of power trap is ending to soon stop talking to the guy behind quick revive he bricks the traps
It’s patched
I think they changed the time of the traps in the most recent update mine do not last as long as yours did in the video 😢
thats crazy works with black holes
They already nerfed the trap time. Only stays on for like 5 seconds now 😵💫
struggling to get to round 2 . need a guide pls
Did they silent nerf the trap? I loaded up my high round save on citadel today and I keep getting absolutely mopped in the traps. Super frustrating because I just prestiged and have been grinding this save for XP, but I don't have mutant injections or kazimir unlocked yet which are vital for high round runs without the traps.
Round 100 in this game compared too B01
Crazy this was the first video in my recommended I literally opened YouTube to search for high round strat😂👍
We need a guide on what to do with the rat king crown 👑 the building that you land on in spawn after taking the cannon, I noticed will spawn a random power up that won’t disappear I think it’s from wearing the crown. I had the crown on for like 10 rounds and went back to spawn and noticed a fire sale power up on the building you would land on top of if you take the cannon and it never went away. I got the crown again the next game and a different power up spawned on top of the building and didn’t disappear. Maybe the crown gives random power ups that spawn on top of that building and don’t go away till you get them. Not unless it’s something else
Just got to round 100 thanks to this video, thank you Milo, Merry Christmas and a happy new year 👍🏼
I still can't do it, with these lobbies lagging all the time I just can't get past 90 once I reach it all the zombies freeze my game
Bro holy shit these losers already patched this after you shoot the Cigma like 8 times at the ground it instantly cools down
Anyone else have an issue where like half the time the trap just stops instantly?
Yeah the sigma isnt rare just bad luck I'm guess, most runs ive never wanted it i get it. But i guarantee for my 100 run its gonna be rare
You're taking no damage from ghasts. The strat doesn't work.
That infinite ammo trap won’t last long till it’s patched lol
cigma cigma on the wall
I actually train in the water room w/ the stairs door closed its really good