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Baus is doing nice shotcallign, but they allways ignore baus, i am not fanboying baus, i know he has some problems, but he only talks when he knows what hes saying, and they keep ignoring him
How is Caedrel game knowledge even on the same level as Bwipo?
i hope they get better, now that caedrel is just coach again, baus and the others dying too many times in a game more noticeable
I think baus also cares too much what viewers think and viewers dont know pro play well enough to encourage a new playstyle
Can’t wait for what LS is gonna say about ur opinion on coaches…cuz ngl bwipo is 100% in the right. And obviously if ur a coach going in with the mindset that a coach can only do so much then ur looking to throw ur team under the bus as soon as you get the chance to push the downfall off urself. In any sport the coach will always say “it’s not you who lost to them I did. Players can only lose to other players. But coaches lose the games” It’s a bad mindset to have as a coach cuz u will be looking to blame. And that’s how you get fired real quick ngl
it seems to me that they need to speak more, especialy baus, he says like 3 words in 10 minutes
Gragas is so hot fuck
I'm pretty sure that he had to take the FFS out of his name when he was a sub on a pro team. Riot wouldn't let him keep "offensive language"
Bwipo is unbearable now wtf
1:14 ok that was a good one
coach is playing rts
I think Crownie is the one giving the most information on the team, at least proactively. He focuses a lot on the enemy ADC and will often spam his team to make a play just to get the enemy ADC summoners a minute or 2 before a major objective. The problem is that he's on ADC and that's usually not a role that gets to observe the map as often and isn't as good at recognizing the strength of others. If Crownie has flash down, he approaches the fight as if it's a losing one, which I whole-heartedly understand.
Nemesis always starts off making calls, but as soon as a call is ignored, he stops making calls for the rest of the game. Again, understandable, it is very frustrating and he has recognized that to be a flaw in himself as well.
Velja is a completely different beast when he's on comfort picks vs filling in a role that his team needs. When he's on point, every play this guy goes for is a winning one. He doesn't shot call a lot, but he is almost always the one asking what the team is planning to do a minute before it happens and reminding them to make a call.
Baus just does Baus things, but it is so evident that Caedral is 100% right in this clip. He very often forgets to call out key ultimates or summoners. He recognizes tempo advantages on the map but does not communicate it. Things just fall into place and his team could benefit so much more if they knew what he was going to be doing beforehand.
Rekkles I think is the one who needs to step up the most and make the calls. I think he's the most aware of how strong his team is at any given moment. I think the skill that should be built upon the most with him is, most of his team give out a lot of information during the game (except for Baus obviously XD), it has to be up to him to evaluate that information and orchestrate shotcalls for the next 3-5 minutes.
All in all, they have superstars in every role. They just need a strong igl who can take advantage of that. The comms are there, but it's basically just background noise if there's no one forcing plays with those in mind. Los Ratones single-handedly got me interested in western league of legends again after over 10 years, and I think a lot of people share that sentiment.
"aurora no ult, maybe this information is enough to fight on grubs" is like saying "karthus no Q, maybe this information is enough to fight on grubs"
i think you guys are lying to yourselves, thinking you accomplish anything with these micro analyses.
Sally knew how to pilot the baus like a mech but when they needed someone to slap his ass and call him Sally he vanished 🙁
I have watched several scrim and those time Baus calls for something all just ignored him. There was just game where K'sante top was low health multiple times and every time enemy member came and Baus died. They lost that game.
I think I see what Cadrel isn't seeing. Often baus has tempo, and then the team wants to do something and just backs off and wastes bauss tempo. It doesn't matter if he dies, but it would have been better to die/tower dive in mid. The team makes baus waste his tempo, they also don't put pressure on the map so baus can push/pot pressure in sidelane. It's not about being safe, it's about superior macro. Caedrel lacks macro vision. He needs to play some high level HOTS before he can truely excell at league.
The fact that baus ends with a gold lead every game should kinda show that maybe the math is on his side, but my man does need to speak up to his team
kid stop eating while streaming disgusting degenerate
5:20 baus thinks going opposite side with TP advantage is the way to go.
I think if velja has a bit more confidence and is a bit louder he could shot call pretty good for this team but generally its better like bwipo said to bausffs to ask the questions if your not sure but try be as quick about it as possible, if two people agree then you all commit to it etc
"he's not saying anything" that's what happens when you put soloq players into a team
if caedrel can upgrade baus gamesense…. will anyone be able to beat him?
don't bully my streamer he's good believe me 🙁
I’ve always said Baus is a good player but not a good team player. His communications are horrible for a team.
I like that Rekkles is very vocal about sums, utility, spells etc.
But they got no shotcaller for the map anymore
If Baus is sick and dying in-game he caught it from your support games Caedral O.O
When Velja asked what's the plan?? sums up the lack of shotcalling since Pedro left. They'll fix that asap.
13:15 here and earlier in the game baus had solo kills on poppy but gave her E out of tower both times. i think if he runs to the tower and a bit perpendicular instead of away then she doesn't have the escape
we have to remember that baus is a soloque player, and he is a good one at that, so going into a team will be a learning curve for him, i hope caedrel and the team can help him more to learn the team side of the game and also make him a carry option, right now all i can see is baus being weakside and just proxy, but he can outplay 1v1 or 1v2 if he is slightly ahead, i hope he can have a good connection with jungle and support to push his advantages