The new “Exalted” Arcane Fractured Jinx skin is worse than you think… Let’s talk about it.
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They ruined a character, they sold the lore to garbage french writers, now they're going ham on gacha thievery. This company is going down.
Exalted? Sanctum? Someone at riot has been playing poe…
its 500 $riot is broke
looking for more and more cash grabs
you are better off playing mobile gacha
riot rly want to make so much money from there comunnity…. if they did like one roll for 400 rp but they did u get from it some skin, not fucking mythic essence or emote!! bullshit they could make money like that for 400 rp guaranteen skin ´win-win situation for both sides, but no riot want fucking money this world is fucked up!! 🙁
The number of people I played against with zero jinx mastery that had this skin is absurd.
This is going to kill league. Everyone should refrain from buying any RP and supporting this.
No omg when I first went into my loot tab I groaned and was like where tf are my chests man I’m not spending a single penny on this skin anyway
Got it for 800rp, I don't even play jinx
The skin really looks barely like a Mythic. Why can't we use BE every Gacha game lets you use free currency to roll? I can't wait for the devs to go even crazier and add ads with each death longer then 20 seconds
Bro youre crying but youve got 40K RP?
Looks like ass for the price
I had some loser spend that much money just to be one of the wost adc ive ever seen. They LITERALLY ran into ever skillshot thrown at them. They were so bad that the other team didnt bother aiming at me. I hope Mickyz refunds that money, dawg… thats such a waste of money on them.
the splash art looks absolutely hideous what were they thinking?
it's also just uggo. like, i would not use that skin if I got it for free. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
People only care about free to play skin prices because YouTubers milk the drama and the click bait titles brainwashes people. If you don’t like the skin don’t buy it lmfao.
I got it for 10.99 and on my first pull
already thought it looked like a 500rp skin, so…
hey look at my stupidly expensive shit with gold sprinkles
I just wanted Powder jinx as a like 10$ skin why did they do this to us 🙁
There are people who will pay for these lucrative prices because they want to collect skins for "their" favorite characters. One of my friend's buddy paid the whole $250 and he stated he wanted to just "have it". Money is money, but the game is still the same these past 5 years, so what exactly is Riot wanting this monetization practices for?
Riot is taking away my ability to recommend the game to new players. I can't accept the risk of getting my friends into gambling
In fortnite they switched the layout so you have to pass and load the shop before going into your locker 💀
genshin players: first time?
i got lucky af somehow i puled it in 2 spins XD i think i used my luck for the next 2000 years XD
this skin cost more than a tripple A game
If I have to say anything about it… No matter how much you criticize this awful practice, you already paid them for it, you participated in this. At the end of the day Riot doesn't give a rat's ass about the bad feedback because even the ones giving said feedback just gifted them their own 250 bucks. They already won, they already had a reward for doing this, they literally have no reason to stop doing this.
I bought the faker skin because I wanted it… this jinx skin does not make me want it
Whoever remarketted lootboxes to gatcha is a fuckin genius
I’m actually a huge fan of this. If you spend 250 and roll until the guaranteed unit, you get every arcane skin, emotes, chromas, and a lot of mythic essence. You may even get lucky and get her early. So it’s not 250 for 1 skin.
got it on a single lol
i got the skin for 5 dollars so im not gonna complain lol
League has always been a gatcha game. Now, instead of gambling on what teammates I'm going to get, I can gamble for cosmetics instead!!
didn't know League of legends is a gacha game. that's surprising
how is this not gambling
You dont have to buy anything morons, dont like it just dont buy it. Crying like this will change nothing, Riot can do whatever they want to and they know it. The skin isnt aimed at normal people, same with the sett skin
You complain about the skin (fair). But then u show ur account and it clearly shows that u rolled like 20 times and have another 59 spark waiting to be gambled, hypocritical no?
It's just a shame …
I just find it crazy how they invent new skin tiers and then make them exactly (or worse) than existing tiers.
The animation and shit is too much for the trashy client and now everyone wanting to go to crafting not only sees the gacha but a laggy loading client aswell xd
there are kids on this game too, imagine your son comes to you and says "mom can you buy me this? it's 250$"
I mean, the skin itself is not that pretty anyway…
i mean they spent 1/4 bill on arcane so they have to get it back : DD IN THE END FAIR OFFER FOR ME SHOW BEING THAT GOOD
Yet you still bought it and gave them money after making a 10 minute video complaining about the skin. Ironic.
No no no no, at least genshin gives gems by playing the game, riot dosent.
I wanna give riot an idea.. a skin that evolve 2 times. but you have to pull it everytime to evolve
Onks tää suomalainen
"No one has talked about this!!!"
No, a lot of people have talked about this.
youre forgetting that you get hundreds of mythic essence and all the other arcane skins as well. add up the cost of everything you get and its way more than 250 dollars. for the people that like all those skins and cosmetics its very worth it