7 New Major Changes In BATTLEROYALE – Season 1 Test Server
Codm New map
Codm Lag Reduce Tips
Codmobile Tips And Tricks
Codm Battleroyale Tips
GAMErHyNas Server – https://discord.gg/cRU7ab92ef
Time stamp –
Intro – 00:00
New Hit Animation – 00:10
New Weapon – 01:02
New Left Handed Mode – 01:24
New Marking Wheel – 03:03
Vehicle Shining Effect – 03:40
UI Change – 04:45
Vision City – 04:58
Music Credit –
Music By White Bat Audio
Music By Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio
Social Media :
Instagram –
Twitter – https://twitter.com/GAMErHyNas?t=3qBKVYgDhtmaXxlWM41eBg&s=08
Discord –
Gamerhynas Server – https://discord.gg/rdBcPPhJz4
Left handed mode control button should come in conjunction with a peek feature. Notice how in CQB tactics(in movies, games, even youtubers with prior military training and retired) if you want to peek left side, you switch your handle of the gun to the left in order not to expose a lot of your body to the enemy, same with peeking to the right, you swap your gun handle to the right to not expose most of your body
If you don't get it, try watching videos about PUBG peeking, if you set your gun handle to the right, you expose more of your body if you peek on the left side & vice versa
They better not bring that new kill ui to servers. Its ridiculous and gets in the way of your vision. The one we have now is just fine
1:18 eso no es codm
Yes! As a lefty, I wished for years for this to be added.
Is this all same for low graphics?
Now we have 2 car15💀☠️🙏
Thank you for the video ❤
So there is a new bug for Dolby Atmos when you keep it ON the glass braking for every house can be heard continuously even while being far . Plz raise a complaint abt it ❤
LoL man, the gun it fell gets flipped in left hand mode (like the chamber and all)
That red thing is blocking my view
Xm4 is literally the m4 but remodeled
What about bug fixes, and new bugs?😂🤓
My match making in br places me in Iranian servers any solution on this on getting indian subcontinent server ?
Lütfen solak modu nasıl etkinleştirebileceğimi söyle
When will they fix the calling cards?
When we kill enemies it shows our calling card and our names and says: Killed by you
This needs to be fixed, it should shows enemy's calling card and their names and say (Killed by you)
Or (knocked you)
God that left hand mode feels and looks so uncomfortable especially when running it's like the character have some disabilities 💀😭
They decide to clean the vehicles 😂😂
They should add q kill cam in br
Garbage update