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Fresh Classic Hardcore Moments 46 💀

Happy Holidays everyone! Compilation 46 of the latest deaths and highlights from the World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore servers.

Streamers: ZiqoFTW, cloudym1nd, KungenTV, Petrus_HC, HIGHSTYLED, JokerdTV, Scallops_s, Vei, StayPlayful, Carcin_T, Emiru






Check out this WoW Classic Hardcore compilation featuring a mix of deaths, highlights, close calls, and funny moments. Experience the excitement and challenges of WoW Classic gameplay with these intense moments.

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  1. This game has so much flipping range. All day I see death alerts from people who die before level 20, they are literally non-stop. I shake my head at these people while I face tank everything at lvl 52 and think "I must just be good at this game", then I watch clips of Ziqo and think, god damn, I'll never be that good. The range of skill in this game is just so flipping vast.

  2. I just dont understand peoples thought process. Like running through 20 mobs to get to a quest with zero way to reset the mobs, all to then noggenfogger to fucking darkshore? So you wanted to skip 20 minutes of clearing mobs to either lose your 100+ hour character or end up in darkshore, which is another hour journey back lol. In HC, gotta clear all the trash in dungeons or be prepared to die. Gotta clear all mobs near quests, or be prepared to die. People havent figured this out yet? Smh…

  3. that warrior was 100% dutch lmao, what a scumbag, and i'm saying this as a dutchie myself.
    he's parrotting a "famous" youtuber/vlogger (read: junkie) with his uuush! uuush!

  4. Wtf was the WL`s problem…. tank taunted the enemy, he like didnt wait and casted one spell after another…. the old rule still stands to this day, when playingf with others… give the tank 5 seconds and you should be good to go. And why did he rage so much after, he was still alive… but I guess when you are in need of content and maybe able to going viral you do shit like that. If I were the healer, he would probably dead AF, or on ignore if he survived.

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