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N’Zoth Was RIGHT ALL ALONG…Now It’s Too Late! (Nightfall 11.1.5)

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

Brand new Xal’atath whispers and older N’Zoth whispers find a perfect match and it looks like N’Zoth has been warning us about Xal’atath the entire time but we didn’t listen. Xal’atath just appeared in classic where she told us that the old gods are useful but misguided relicts of the past. It is heavily implied that old gods rebelled against the Void Lords, they didn’t want to be just tools and that Xal’atath was sent to stop them. N’Zoth says that the fall of night will reveal her true face and that she will bring only ruin, and that he alone can save us from what is to come. He also told us about how when the nightfalls her song will end.

As you may know we are currently getting the radiant song of Azeroth and 11.1.5 is called nightfall and we are revisiting the horrific visions very likely involving N’zoth. So literally what is going on, is N’Zoth going to come to confront Xal’atath or will they ultimately unite? Let’s examine all these whispers because all of this is just mindblowing.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. It goes way back to the Cataclysm and Hour of Twilight – it was said that the world ruined by Deathwing and Old gods is better than the alternative – the corruption of the Azeroth's worldsoul by Xal and Dimensius.

  2. I would imagine that the 11.1 patch is the "happy and fun" content before things get… dark (sorry, I had to!); if we experience almost two full expansions of darkness, I would hope Blizzard would give us a spark of enjoyment before Nightfall (and Midnight to follow).

  3. I wonder if the Light has struck a bargain with the Nathrazeim and that's what that is referring to because we do have Lothraxion. I know they're trying to … forget Shadowlands but at the time the whisper was written maybe that has something to do with it. Lothraxion seemed like such an oddity in Legion and we didn't get much about him. Also considering he was present in the paladin class hall he has a connection to Lady Liadrin which, as a blood elf, has a connection to the Sunwell which rounds itself back to the Naaru of the Light.

  4. I think the part where N'zoth mentions "the light have struck a bargain with the enemies of all" refers to death – in the comic with the three Windrunner sisters Alleria's whispers say Sylvanas is with the enemies of all (Death), accompanied by the fact that Calia is now a light infused undead, as well as the new Arathi using light undead via the holy flame shenanigans

  5. On the Old Gods rebelling against their Masters…here's a crazy idea. What if the didn't do it willingly but started once they got on Azeroth and closer to the World Core? Hence why they started fighting each other. We know now from the Archives that the planet isn't sitting idly accepting to be controlled/dominated by a cosmic force.

  6. "Her whispers are the loudest of them all" that definitely has to deal with Xal and Alleria. I'm now thinking Alleria is going to become a pawn of Xal and something ties it back to Slyvanas

  7. The arrow found its mark and the last fetter is falling away, the Dark Heart has been referenced with the Dragon Soul which fettered the power of the Dragon Aspects, could the Dark Heart have done something similar to the Old Gods 🤔

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