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PLUNDERSTORM Has RETURNED! New Mounts, Cosmetics And More | The War Within

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  1. Tried out Plunder and as a WoW Pvper, its not really an ideal pvp game 😅it's pretty unbalanced and the attacks are arse-cheeks lol, they really need to balance out this game and everyone should be the same level

  2. For those who don't know, you can instant kill enemy elites when you target and land when you spawn at the start of the game. So try to aim for one of those star enemies when you start

  3. Battle royales can go fall in a well for all I care. I hate that they have trader’s tender in the plunder store because none of the other stiff is worth the frustration of being thrown into gank land with a bunch of no-life PVPers, but in need that tender, baby!

  4. I played plunderstorm yesterday and had a blast, I decided to play as a dracthyr, it’s the only race I can play that doesn’t look like a pirate, and fun fact, when using the barrel ability as a dracthyr, your barrel is carried by a blue whelp rather than rolling which is pretty neat

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