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The War Within Release Schedule + Midnight Launch Date? How it All Fits (Prediction)

I’ve been hearing a lot of questions asking when the next season, even expansion will be! So I sat down and modeled a plausible schedule that checks all the boxes, even adds in a TWW Season 4 on an accelerated timeline!

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  1. so noone talks about that there is a 6 months between major patches, it started to be incredibly boring and relasing shhhit content like siren island is not a new content

  2. If Midnight, WoW 12.0, will not be released in 2025, there will likely be no preorder options in 2025. The law requires them to allow refunds if a preorder is not delivered in the same calendar year as the preorder is placed. Beyond that, the rest seems to align with what has been said so far.

  3. You're right the seasons are way too long. A M+ season should be no more than 12wks long and then rotate to a new round of dungeons. This would keep the rotation more inviting. Anyway I wish everyone would just unsub for at least 2 months just to protest the poor decisions Blizz made so far with this one. I've been sub'd since TBC and just unsubbed at least until Midnight, but not pre ordering this one. I'm just made at what they have done to M+. Put it back to DF s3 or s4 and leave it alone.

  4. I really doubt and don't want Midnight to come out any sooner than a Sept. 2026 release date! I hate the speed at which content is released as is. Content droughts were blessings in disguise.

  5. Hey everyone, a little help here if possible. I've got a 12-Month sub going on, so what I'm wondering would I still need to purchase the new expansion (Midnight) when it releases? Thanks for the help if possible! Have a great day

  6. I'm wondering if the green doesn't represent Legion, but instead it's The Burning Crusade. Midnight has us going back to Quel'Thalas, afterall, and 11.2 seems like its going to be Ethereal themed; both are things which are heavily tied to TBC.

  7. I think it's likely that season 3 runs longer rather than shorter. Perhaps the last couple of months will be cleaved off into an offseason where they'll still have dinars/ingots and the corresponding vendors, but they will just have season 3 items.

  8. So no Pandaren Heritage armor? Or all Pandaren regardless of faction are Shado-Pan? 🤔 Ijs most of the cosmetic options as of late from MOP are 90% Shado pan inspired, it would be nice when we do get the heritage armor that it's going to be inspired upon the actual Pandaren clans (Huojin/Tushui) the respectively joined the Horde and Alliance, rather than just a neutral themed one for Pandaren in general

  9. Tbh i would like a season ending where you get the chanse to pick up what ever tier set you didnt mannage to get during that season. Would be a cool chill mini patch for people to play with along wuth turbulent timeways

  10. Turbulent timeways did overlap with the next patch by one week last time – since the raid usually doesn't open til week 2 of the patch, it could make sense here as well.

    I don't think they're gonna curtail season 3 that much. I think if we see a season 4 at all, it'll be very short – 6-8 weeks or so.

  11. I'm not a fan of rushed expacs. Two year cycles for development was the sweet spot. If they fill the expac with story and not filler players would be fine, it's when they just do filler grinds people get upset.

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