Welcome to Season 15.exe! In this video I played AP Tahm Kench.exe, Attackspeed Lulu.exe and Full AP Jax.exe!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dabuinexe
Your ideas for the next Season 15 lol.exe videos in the comments please!
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The Simpsons Hit & Run Soundtrack – S-M-R-T
The Simpsons Hit & Run Soundtrack – Monkey See Monkey D’oh
The Simpsons Hit & Run Soundtrack – Simpsons Hotline
GBA Sky Garden – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
New Season is fun Overall but…only 1 "new" item? Really Riot?
Also taking more and more stuff away from F2P Players like this man…
Live on Twitch: twitch.tv/dabuinexe
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/TugywKfTXd
That 12 gold from fishing on Jax gave you an unfair advantage
We are Pantheon
For a while I had assumed the guy who says "Oh don't chase me…ahh, I actually did want you to shase me because I was just baiting you!" actually was Dabuin due to how specific some of the clips were. So if that isn't Dabuin, who is this person?
Full CDR Smolder:
All the highest general Ability Haste items you can get, and both "Ultimate Haste" items.
Mom's Mad.exe
man isn't Tahm balanced? xD
For all Noxians, we have to got a Sion Ap Tank Top or Ap Sion, he got Ratio Ap too…
2:30 that jinx definitly didnt see the reptile clip
Love the DotoDoya voice clips lol
What kind of sound you used?
Bro mages didn’t need another fucking buff
50 be? Excuse me riot? I think we're missing a couple of 0 there
Still: The best Lines are by Team Four Star XD
All your opponents are often so bad lol
They buffed the repeating tracks to be 750 BE per level starting next patch!
Can you do FULL AP POPPY?
AD yuumi again pls
bauss glazer
Tank ezreal with grasp of undying, heartsteel, Iceborn Gauntlet, Hullbreaker, Frozen Heart
, Eclipse and any boot
I always expect a ''ptoo'' sound when the tk ult
? (I dont play LoL anymore btw
I love the Doto plugs dude
ahahaha how to do lulu atk speed or am i just bad T_T
44th video comment askin' for ultimate bravery part 2
Riot lost money funding Arcane so we only get 1 new item
A new season need a New Ornn build, the LETHALITY ORNN.
Still waiting for you to make a Sett Attackspeed video, Lifesteal. And the Crithality video.
He's The Boss afterall.
farm your ass off, reach the last levels, 50 blue essences
rito must be trolling wtf is this shit
A lulu soloing a jax and a mega gnar under their tower is crazy
Strength above all
0:31 who is that person? Not tham
Full AP Sett exe?
Full Crit Mel Legit for the next vid plssssss

The one champ I'd say is BS… Tahm Kench
Atakhan is just "welcome back old chemdrake baron buff"
Edit: would the new bloodletter item be good with jungle warwick
shouldnt that item be quite good for ap tanks that also build abyssal mask? Ive been trying to build it with maokai to have the ultimate unending despair heal build but its a bit much mr with spirit blossom and you kind of need to get full build. Also had the problem with a lot of surrenders or team already ending