Out of nowhere Blizzard dropped some HUGE new information on the WoW Housing and it. looks. EXCELLENT. Not only that, Blizzard it seems, is coming straight for FFXIV.
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I know it's been a hot minute since we posted a video. We've got a ton of cool things on the docket we're working on – we just had our hands full with the truckathon and then holidays and getting back into the swing of things with Monster Hunter on stream which has taken all of Mike's attention. In the meantime though Holly Longdale leapt off the top rope with a massive housing update for WoW which seems to be coming straight for FF14.
You've all got Stockholm syndrome.
Blizzard always used to be the company that wouldn't do things first, but would learn from the people that did things first and do them better. It lost sight of that for a long time (safe to say at this point, given all we've learned, that Activision was a major part of this). I'm hoping that we start to see this again.
Well lets hope blizzards past habit of over promising features and under delivering or straight abandoning the feature doesn't crop up THIS time.
Thumbnail really has that "Political Party is AFRAID of BOMBSHELL announcement." and it's never substantiated. Just exists to rile people up and create drama where drama need not exist.
I cannot believe that player housing is what excites retail players in 2025. How down bad is retail, really?
I can't see how they suddenly want to foster community, when the game itself as a whole is more or less single player, by which I mean the leveling process. They killed off the community a long time ago and they have done nothing since then to even attempt to foster it back into the game. The fact is this just screams of desperation by Blizzard. I can't see how this would even work. I have been playing wow since Vanilla, I have stopped and come back multiple times over the years because I became incredibly bored of the same old systems. They talk about how wow is aimed at casual players, because that is what makes up their numbers. I have found wow to be an incredibly lonely place to play. Everyone I knew stopped and went off to FF XIV and never came back, and I have never really experienced the fun I did since they left. WoW has become an incredibly toxic game over the years, and while it might be fun for the time being in having housing, you just know they are going to do another cash grab in the blizzard shop, or most of the stuff you might want will be gate locked behind doing something like hard raids or high tier mythics, don't ever put it past them to do this shenanigans. I wish I could share this excitement because I wanted player housing during Burning Crusade, and if we do have neighborhoods, unless its guild neighborhoods, I simply can't for the life of me see this doing anything for any community, since most people do keep to themselves, which kind of makes neighborhoods pointless. I hope people enjoy the player housing, but I know I won't be rushing out first thing when this content is released, I probably won't even bother with housing, because if I am going to be forced into a community that could be quite toxic then it's not for me. The community boat sailed over the horizon never to return when they first added lfg / lfr and since then they have done more to not foster community than anything else.
If this becomes anything like My favorite game of all time, Wildstar. Then i'm gonna be hooked for a long time moving forward. LOVED housing in Wildstar, spent most of my time in there.
My main worry from what they've said is that it sounds like your house will be account-wide (meaning that for all your alts combined you get one alliance house and one horde house), and if that's true that is going to make it utterly impossible to theme a house after a character.
Remember when you could have housing built into the actual world in Ultima Online in 1999. 26 years ago….
I don’t see how player housing can actually work in wow. Y’all don’t get your hopes up, these kinds of features literally never work out.
I appreciate Blizzard slapping Square Enix 😂😂😂😂😂
Legendary ring.
Is is about 15years over due …. and they have a lot to live up to compared to all the other games housing systems. If they fuck this up theirs no hope…. all the have to do is copy paste the best parts from all the other games. its a ez win… but its blizzard. I think they need to do more than just player housing right to be the dominant mmo again. … wow is seriously lacking these days. its just turned into 6 month seasons where you grind the same shity 8 dungeons and one raid over and over and over to do the same 8 dungeons and one raid in a lil better gear over and over. For so many people its just a 1-2 month game at the start of a season then dip for 4 months coz its stale as fuck.
Blizzard is going to break their whole game with housing lol. Something is going to break 😂
This might be a pessimistic cold take, but I dint really think they will make it in any way as you describe here sadly. When have they ever taken this much feedback and made a system that has this much freedome to the players? This might be just a case of "burnt child shuns the fire" that makes me sceptical that this feature will make the game that has so many other issues, quote: "The most dominant mmo thats going to exist for the next 10 years."
Really scared for this feature. I’m afraid us fans will dream and fantasize about the things we want to see and be ultimately disappointed with the outcome
it's called choice not just nope u do this and thats it
Legendary Ring
I really don't get the point of player housing…. I really hope it's something I don't have to engage with. I still hope we get some other cool feature apart from housing.
Feels like the editing took a big step up in this video, very tight and engaging video! Good job pg team 😁
Problem is… its too late now.
Retail is just toxicity and all social aspects are next to killed…
And with all the different wow-versions and canibalization of their playerbases, making housing just for retail has next to no value.
It would make the most sense, if this was an account-bound thing across versions…
That one line from Blizzard… it sounded childish and not necessary at all… Yoshi P has not been negative about WoW in any way, has even shared his admiration about it. And yet Blizzard goes weeh weeh, we gonna do it better, we ARE better! Childish behavior, imo…