Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia. Check out the full video for a guide to Jarvan’s abilities, gameplay, and suggested build, or leap ahead to:
0:18 Play Style and Skins
0:31 Abilities
1:54 Early Game
2:42 Tons of Damage Combos
5:01 Suggested Stats and Items
For more on Jarvan, follow the links below.
Champion Info – http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/jarvaniv/
Jarvan’s latest update – http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-65-notes
13 years
start E and max it first
it's my birthday today! (It's currently January 4 here in the Philippines) I am celebrating it today by watching my main's champion spotlight J4!
Jarvan stood the test of time.
와 존나 겜에서 똥내 ㅈㄴ나네
Bruh I think this champion spotlight is way more detailed and better than the current ones, this one gives me a way better understanding about the champion and what it can do.
Ah yes i finaly have enough to buy him so excited!
Dude having 90% of the kit intact 12 years later
Armor E buff not present today, W shielding has AD scaling. Litteraly this is all that is different 12 years after his release (not counting any scalings/CD changes)
Después de 12 años, Xin Zhao sigue estando roto, menudas hostias reparto en ARAM
This is weird that I got recommended now
how many dashes are there in this game, i miss old league
Good old days
2:50 did J4's E just block Morgana Q??
Why tf does he still look identical after more than a decade
Good days
Shame Jarvan is no longer a champion in 12.10
Just realized the map back then looks quite better.
… Tons of damage
Anyone here in 2021 Dec?
Give me my 2011
What a peaceful game
Rework jarvan please make him a little bit more stronger
It's been 10 years