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We know what Twilight Dungeons are now! | Cataclysm Classic

We know what Twilight Dungeons are now! Still no vendors though, hopefully they get added asap so we can see what item level gear we are going to get. I’ll updare you all further when i do some of these tonight!

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  1. I understand as an ex-Retail Andy that Scottejaye really likes LFR, however I have never heard him acknowledge the reason to NOT put it in the game is entirely in line with the philosphy that started classic in the first place. I understand however that at this point classic cata (and beyond) is far removed from the hopes that were envisioned in nostalrius/classic 1.0 – alas, I feel LFR is literally the nail in the coffin for many players that wish to put the blinders on and fantasize that classic cata/MoP still holds some of those same key philosphies to be true – of community and of a fun game. Not one where its only sweats and streamers that have 10 characters+ and want to efficiently max out all their alts with BiS gear ASAP.

  2. the Green Dragonsflight buff works with melee weapon enchant Healing and fury warrior Bloodthirst healing. So melee will be using the healing buff for the dungeons. Well lets hope its not getting fixed

  3. I'm having a lot more fun on Cata classic than I am the anniversary fresh classic classic… But the closer TBC gets, im sure I'll be back over on classic classic

  4. Finally get new dungeons to spam with ds 5 mans, immediately make then irrelevant by adding this shit system again. Can't wait for hour long dead mines and hoo runs

  5. I don't think I like the idea of the Green buff very much. Like sure, some specs and classes can take advantage of it but a lot of healers won't really be able to benefit from it, not without taking attention away form the group anyway; I can already see that some healer might be too busy "dpsing" and forget to heal. But I guess healers could always pick up the Bronze one, so it's not too bad.

  6. Blue buff seems awful. It needs to have like 3-5 sec grace period where if you move you lose a stack but not more than 1 while the grace period lasts. Otherwise noone takes this buff.

  7. This is such a lame bandaid. 🩹 wanna know what their plan is for LFR gear? With them removing LFR they are removing the ability to get the tier or trinkets with no update on how we can get them or gear without LFR.

  8. Seems like Red will be the buff for Bears, Pallies and Warrior tanks while Blood DK might be better off with the Green one seeing how we can't block and actively avoid Dodge and Parry on gear. Between Death Strike healing & Blood worms it should be enough to outperform the lower number of breath attacks.

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