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Building Azeroth: The Liberation of Undermine | World of Warcraft

WoW’s newest raid is one of the wackiest, zaniest, and most action packed of all time! Join members of the Encounter Design, VFX, Art, Sound, and Music teams for a peek behind the curtain to see how a raid is made before taking on Undermine’s goblin bosses, ogre mobsters, and more starting on March 4!

Pre-save the World of Warcraft: Undermine(d) Soundtrack on your favorite music platform:

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  1. I rather the watch wow designers story telling that how they make the game than bad animation fast posting that will cause problems in the community….This video is so inspirational

  2. Too bad the Paid Headstart for TWW split the playerbase, killed the hype, and cost the players more money for a worse experience. Otherwise i would be excited for this and more.

  3. All YouTubers should help the gaming community. This is a serious risk. Blizzard can't fix the game's problems because their coding team has no knowledge of the game and we have paid a lot of money to buy this patch so we can play easily but when we ask them for help they just block our accounts.

  4. All YouTubers should help the gaming community. This is a serious risk. Blizzard can't fix the game's problems because their coding team has no knowledge of the game and we have paid a lot of money to buy this patch so we can play easily but when we ask them for help they just block our accounts.

  5. All YouTubers should help the gaming community. This is a serious risk. Blizzard can't fix the game's problems because their coding team has no knowledge of the game and we have paid a lot of money to buy this patch so we can play easily but when we ask them for help they just block our accounts.

  6. We sent a ticket to Blizzard to get help from someone who is threatening us and trying to extort money from us. The Blizzard team initially told us they would support us and blocked our accounts.

  7. Blizzard knows there is no appeal in the new patch and it cannot generate revenue. Now it wants to freeze all our accounts to pay its employees so it can get money from reselling the patch. This is Microsoft's new extortion.

  8. You have banned a lot of players for no reason and you are not giving back their accounts. Blizzard is constantly extorting players and no one is happy with this new patch and its many bugs.

  9. I just started on the new zone and it's bonkers fun! The scale, how lively it is so full of NPCs, the voice acting, the level of detail in all buildings (like Suramar was!), the music, I'm having a blast! Well done! 🙂

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