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[Pre-Stream] World of Warcraft, Discussing the New Valve VR Headset Deckard

This was streamed on February 26th, 2025 alongside:
[Pre-Stream] World of Warcraft, Discussing the New Valve VR Headset Deckard ►
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  1. I am interested in what new in-house games/demos Valve will create to include with it.
    Aperture Desk Job is a given, but it's 3-years-old to the day. So they'd probably make 1-2 small new games based on existing IP's.
    I doubt it'll be another Half-Life game, so maybe a CS shooter like H3vr?

  2. A 4K 55" TV is like $400 and they're pretty damn good looking, someone is going to have a much better large display before they ever consider buying an index just to play with a virtual big screen.

  3. There are good VR games coming out but the mainstream press doesn't really talk about them. For example, Alien Rouge Incursion and Metro VR just came out on Steam.
    There's also a ton of good games that are Quest exclusives. Sadly, the VR market has shifted away from PC towards standalone headsets like the Quest. That said, the Quest 3 is around $500 and wipes the floor with the Index in every way. It also does PCVR so there isn't really any reason to get anything else right now. I hope Deckard will be a significant upgrade from the Quest 3 or else it's gonna be hard to justify that price.

  4. I think your old character might qualify for being up in a trial account or something, which could mean it would cost 0$ to set up that stream.(weird level squish stuff could have pushed the character down below level 20 for whatever reason). I do not actually know if this would work though TBH, they would have dragonriding unlocked from the start which is the fastest form of flying regardless since everybody gets that at level 10, that would allow you to visit more places faster.

  5. His points on platform exclusivity and greed ruining the trajectory that VR had in it's early years is very apt. I got the Index at launch and was so optimistic about the future of VR, only for that hope to be crushed by the amount of content I was barred from, despite my $1000 investment.

    I have faith in Valve to make another headset, but they really dropped the ball with Half Life Alyx by not doing more interviews and pushing the game to people unfamiliar with the PC space. They came up with so many amazing and innovative utilities for VR, and they only did one presentation about doors then called it a day.

  6. For 1200$, this standalone headset better be something at least revolutionary, something that can beat quest, for example. The market on the vr games is small, and even though we've seen a bunch of them appear on game showscases, state of the play, etc. – all of these games were kinda similar. It's either a game about shooting, looking around or vr gimmicks, not something worth of actually getting a potentially overpriced headset for. Even if Valve decides to make another game or two. Big day for VRChat addicts, I guess. Nothing better then sit in a world in front of a mirror/vr bar/ERP world, in a full-body equipment that does nothing for them.

  7. I actually started playing WoW again because of Jerma playing it lol. I'm very much like Vinny, though, because I mostly just want to explore. I'm OK with leveling and such but I tend to get bored after like a week. I'm too old for MMOs, I just don't have that kind of time anymore

  8. I just want to say that the theoretical “old WoW character resurrection stream” may be more popular than one might think. I named my goblin character Melpert because it sounded like a fitting name and I’m incredibly surprised by how many random people in-game recognize where I got it from.

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