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  1. As a long time healer i find the Brann nerfs on point. Lmao, not doing any dps or barely any and you could finish a t11 delve where almost all dps classes suffer. I find it cool that we can do those things too but just like leveling a healer (old school questing) was harder and or longer than anything else is as the same as doing delves as a healee. You should be able to complete a t11 as a healer still but it shouldnt be a walk in the park like it used to

  2. NO, No, Brann is NOT " still going to be viable as a Tank for Healers" , I'm a more than decently geared Disc Priest and i could keep him upright and throw some damage as well pre – nerf, now it's impossible, DPS Brann isnt as hard to keep alive , they totally gutted "Tank" Brann, he may as well have never been added , he is WORSE now than DPS Brann or even Healy Brann , he sure as hell can no longer be called a "Tank".

  3. Blizzard worried about healers having it too good, meanwhile there’s a video of a 603 BDK doing a T11 around 12 mins with dps Brann. I guess they might nerf tanks next (kidding, but you know how Blizzard operates).

  4. Brann nerfs were big but he still slapped for me i640 hpal. He died to anything more than a double pack pull, but he was still doing 1.5M dps on those pulls and the 9 was easy when I used my CDs lol

  5. Brann is sadly not viable as tank for healers anymore, I was doing 11s on my alt resto druid last week.. it was taking some time but it was good refresh for me since I didn't heal anything since 10.0

    Today I went in on 8 and he was getting 1shot sometimes from 80%hp and if not I was just spaming heals every gcd to keep him alive. Druid don't do dmg while healing so he's dmg getting nerfed also makes it so I might as well change to guardian spec with how he's now or skip that alt since I rly wanted to casually play some rest druid for a bit

  6. The changes to brann were overdone. Being a tank in a delves is easier in comparison and you don't have to rely on bran to not stand in bad and pull random stuff. Biggest fail by blizzard since the m+ key squish

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