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Makarov Knows Ghost Secret Identity Scene – Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 2023

Makarov Knows Ghost Secret Identity Scene – Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 2023
I recap the story of Makarov in this video and how he know the identities of all TF141 members including Ghost, SOAP, Price, etc… All raw footage including cutscenes and gameplay were recorded and edited by me in a transformative and synthetic matter to recap this story arc from Call of duty game.

*Channel description*
BbyZone is a channel that provides unique videos, game mods, high quality guides, easter eggs, tips & tricks, and playthrough of video games. I help entertain & educate my viewers through my unique videos, game mods and walkthrough footages which are all recorded and edited by me. I have written permission from the publisher for the games I cover.

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  1. When will you learn to hire Russians for voice acting, instead of some incomprehensible half-Poles.

    The accents are just terrible.

    Makarov – emphasis on "a" MakArov, not MakarOv.

    Imagine how stupid it sounds – mickEy mousE. Like some kind of French dessert.


  2. The writing of this scene might look "Stellar"….but Makarov on MW2 and 3 had a lot more imtimidation than this. The "I'm one step ahead of you" doesn't work when you entire game is his plans barely working or having constant set backs. Hell, his plan to make a false flag operation failed so hard that there was NO point but shock value

    And no, don't throw the "Warzone explained" because, MW3 2023, by itself, can't cointain his own story

    Don't get me started on Graves and Alex

  3. Ghost was a absolute russian kill machine.

    Price the badass leader that develops more badasses

    Roach badest soldier ever

    Soap a brutal and cold but loyal sergeant at arms soldier

    Gaz a fine strong fearless wingman

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