Maximizing Boomkin DPS Guide Patch 3.3.5 | World of Warcraft | Tarou WoW Guides!

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Video and detailed walkthrough guide to maximizing Boomkin DPS. This Boomkin DPS Guide and video will cover all aspects of Boomkin DPS including, talents, glyphs, gear, stats, enchants, gems, professions, addons, and actual DPS application. Kaboomkins are awesome to play and definately my favorite character ever. I hope this Boomkin DPS guide makes you want to make one or play yours more! Please enjoy this Boomkin DPS Guide!

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“Now go . . . or something!”

Guild: Has A Bucket

Server: Arthas – US

Addons: DBM, Omen, Recount

Copyright 2010 © Tarou’s WoW Guides
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®

Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

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  1. Just found this video. There was an addon during original Wrath called Squawkandawe that I used, but it hasn't been updated since 2011 or something. Anyone know anything similar that could be used?

  2. i know this guide is years old but if we ever do get a classic wrath server (assume you play or assume you make a new guide) hitting socket bonuses is a bad idea as for example a 23 spell power gem gives more spell power than a +10sp +10 spirit gem + the socket bonus.

  3. wow so many retards first off all yes 69k crit its BQL he had the bite, also the dps your guild is doing is increbibily shit 6ks and 10k max my guildies are all over 15k with 12k being the lowest GG l2play your class guys

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